lunes, 4 de junio de 2012


The Poverty of Domestic Violence - In late April, the Police Executive Research Forum released a new survey finding that police officers are encountering more cases of domestic violence as the economy continues to struggle. In 2010, 40 percent of the agencies in the survey reported an increase in domestic violence calls; this year, that number has risen to 56 percent

Has the alphabet murderer finally been caught?  - More than once women went to the police to accuse him of sexual assault on them or their daughters. Naso was charged with rape at least twice.

Panetta, Gates, Rumsfeld Face New Suit Over U.S. Military Rape ‘Epidemic’ - In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, the U.S. military’s top brass are accused of refusing to take action on sexual assault in the ranks and ignoring congressional mandates. Jesse Ellison reports. 

Working With Your Rapist as Your Supervisor? The Widespread Sexual Abuse of Women in Farm Work - It should be no surprise that on America’s farms, many women are treated as less than human, since not even the government sees them as worthy of respect under the law.

Taxing strip clubs for rape - Politicians are holding adult entertainment venues responsible for funding sexual assault services

3 Years After George Tiller’s Murder, Reproductive Rights Face New Legislative Attacks, Hate Crimes- Three years ago today, abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was shot dead while attending church in Wichita, Kansas. Reproductive healthcare providers remain the target of violence amid a wave of new legislation curtailing access to safe abortions. Last week, two clinics in Georgia and a women’s organization in New Orleans were set ablaze. 

Women's Center In New Orleans Destroyed By Arson, Third Incident in the South - From the website of New Orleans Women's Health Clinic which specifically helped "marginalized women," poor women, women of color, and transgender women as well as HIV/AIDS patients.

Why the Pope Hates Nuns - It's tempting to simply view the church hierarchy as a cult of misogyny. But at its heart, it's a cult of power; misogyny is but one tool for securing that power.  

Can Occupy Fight Back Against the War on Women? - The first Feminist General Assembly is a model for how OWS can—and can't—work alongside established social movements.

Anything but "Secure" - Federal program designed to nab criminals is devastating immigrant families.

Disgusting: 7 Million Kids and Mothers Suffer Extreme Poverty in the Richest Country in the World - Despite being the richest country in the world, our poverty rate is one of the highest among highly developed nations.

Black Diamond: a female victim of Charles Taylor's crimes speaks out - A female rebel describes how the ex-president left her with nothing and how she fought back by becoming a soldier. Taylor has been convicted of crimes including murder, rape and conscripting child soldiers in neighbouring Sierra Leone, but he wreaked havoc in his own country too. More than 200,000 people were killed in Liberia's 14-year civil war, countless girls and women were raped and much of the population was displaced.

Afghan Rape Case Is a Challenge for Government - An Afghan family’s official complaint about the rape of an 18-year-old girl is a test of the government’s willingness to challenge armed militias. 

Qatari women prepare for Olympic debut - Female athletes from the Gulf state will compete for the first time, but many still face hurdles - in sport and society.

160 Million Missing Females: PRENDA and Misogyny - Because of gender bias and sex discrimination, there are an estimated 160,000,000 girls and women missing from the planet today. This isn't man-bashing or "victim feminism," by the way. It's just a documented statement of fact. By virtually any measure, this is dystopian.

Chile's Matthew Shepard Case: How a Brutal Murder Changed the Country's Mind about Gay Rights -The death of Daniel Zamudio led to the passage of a long stalled anti-discrimination law in the conservative country. Now, there is talk of gay civil unions

'Hysteria': What the New Movie About the Fascinating History of the Vibrator Leaves Out - A romantic comedy about the invention of the vibrator tells the story of a fascinating moment in female sexuality. So why does it center on men?

How Frightened Patriarchal Men Have Tried to Repress Women's Sexuality Through History - Nasty conservative attacks on women would have been well received in the Roman senate, the Greek agora or most halls of religious power in early Europe

The Lady" Takes Office in Burma - For 15 years she was under house arrest by the junta that ruled her homeland. But today, in an astonishing turn of events, Aung San Suu Kyi is now a member of Burma's Parliament

 Lover Boys - This is the story of Ibrahim, a Dutch-Moroccan man tackling the taboo problem of sex-trafficking within his community.
Revolutionary Daughters - How two activists are challenging Indian society and transforming trafficked girls into the leaders of tomorrow.
Turkish women demonstrate as fears of abortion ban grow - video -Thousands protest in Istanbul amid growing fears that Turkey's Islamist government intends to ban abortion.
Peru: A league of their own - Football is helping the women of the Andes find a political voice and fight the effects of climate change.
Homefront - More women are serving on the frontlines than ever before, but many return home to find that new battles await them




¡Justicia para Itzel y las muertas de Chiapas! - Ante el alarmante aumento de feminicidios en Chiapas, cientos de personas marcharon para reclamar justicia, y exigir a las autoridades que garanticen condiciones de seguridad y protección para los ciudadanos.

Esperando a La Bestia con el ex corresponsal de guerra Jon Sistiaga – (texto y videos) : Como un polizón más y asumiendo los mismos riesgos de secuestro, robo, violación y asesinato que afrontan a diario miles de indocumentados en su anhelada búsqueda del 'sueño americano'. 

En septiembre, vacuna contra el Papiloma en la Cartilla de Vacunación - En México mueren entre 10 y 12 mujeres al día a causa del cáncer cervicouterino, y cada año poco más de cuatro mil
Nuevo tratamiento contra cáncer de mama aumenta la supervivencia

Sí, hay un Museo del Aborto y cumple cinco años - Además de mostrar los utensilios y explicar las técnicas usadas en estas intervenciones, la exhibición busca informar y concienciar al público, especialmente a los jóvenes, sobre los riesgos y peligros de los abortos clandestinos.

El Inegi tasa el valor de las labores domésticas, efectuadas mayormente por las mujeres: El trabajo no remunerado en los hogares mexicanos equivaldría a 2.9 billones de pesos, 21.9% del PIB

Los derechos sobre sexualidad no se pueden abordar de manera aislada: Mariela Castro - Reitera la postura de La Habana de estar dispuesta al diálogo con Washington entre iguales

10 de mayo: ayer y hoy - Marta Lamas

VIDEO: ANDAR: En México la mujer que aborta es tratada como criminal, con la vida de las mujeres, no se juega, con tu voto EXIJE que esto cambie

No llega al orgasmo 40% de las mexicanas - La sexóloga Irene Moreno dijo que los hombres se niegan a estimularlas o no saben cómo, y las relaciones tienen máximo ocho minutos de coito.

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