
By Somini Sengupta for The New York Times, 13 March, 2009 - New Delhi — Small, sick, listless children have long been India’s scourge — “a national shame,” in the words of its prime minister, Manmohan Singh. But even after a decade of galloping economic growth, child malnutrition rates are worse here than in many sub-Saharan African countries, and they stand out as a paradox in a proud democracy.
China, that other Asian economic powerhouse, sharply reduced child malnutrition, and now just 7 percent of its children under 5 are underweight, a critical gauge of malnutrition. In India, by contrast, despite robust growth and good government intentions, the comparable number is 42.5 percent. Malnutrition makes children more prone to illness and stunts physical and intellectual growth for a lifetime...more...
This is not youthful rebellion. We see the catastrophe ahead
Climate change has provoked a war between the generations. Younger members of the government need to choose their side
By Joss Garman for The Observer, Sunday 8 March 2009 - Lily Kember is 21 years old. Late last year, with 50 other activists, she shut down Stansted airport, in the process preventing thousands of tonnes of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. A few minutes before her arrest she told listeners of the Today programme: "We're here because our parents' generation has failed us and it's now down to young people to stop climate change by whatever peaceful means we have left."
She was by no means the youngest person who cut through the security fence that December morning - one of her co-protesters was born in 1991...more..
International Women's Day Celebrates Peace Today
by Marlena Rich, Published on Sunday, March 8, 2009 by Examiner.com , posted by CommonDreams.org - Today is International Women's Day, marked by women's groups around the globe and commemorated at the United Nations as a national holiday. Women on all continents, divided by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate women's equality and the peace the feminine embodies. Representing at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development, it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men...more..
Time to Ratify Women's Treaty, Groups Urge
United Nations - Rights activists in the United States are urging their newly-elected government to support global initiatives aimed at protecting women's rights.
by Haider Rizvi, Published on Sunday, March 8, 2009 by Inter Press Service posted by CommonDreams.org - "If Barack Obama wants one important thing to do for women, he will direct the U.S. Senate to ratify CEDAW," said Ritu Sharma, a leading women's rights activist.
CEDAW is the acronym for the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which has been endorsed by over 170 countries.
In the past three decades, U.S. policymakers rejected CEDAW by reasoning that women in the United States already enjoyed legal protections against violence and discrimination. But rights activists counter that the U.S. refusal to ratify the treaty encourages repressive regimes to promote discriminatory practices against women. More..
Girl's Cries For Help 'Fell on Deaf Ears'
Pr. William Officials Were Told of Abuse
By Jonathan Mummolo for Washington Post , March 9, 2009 - Prince William County police, social services and school officials received numerous reports from people who saw firsthand that 13-year-old Alexis "Lexie" Agyepong-Glover was being abused and neglected by her adoptive mother in the two years before the woman allegedly killed her. More...
Boys and Girls Together, Taught Separately in Public School
By Jennifer Medina for The New York Times, March 11, 2009 - Michael Napolitano speaks to his fifth-grade class in the Morrisania section of the Bronx like a basketball coach. “You — let me see you trying!” he insisted the other day during a math lesson. “Come on, faster!”
Across the hall, Larita Hudson’s scolding is more like a therapist’s. “This is so sloppy, honey,” she prodded as she reviewed problems in a workbook. “Remember what I spoke to you about? About being the bright shining star that you are?”
They are not just two teachers with different personalities. Ms. Hudson, who is 32 and grew up near the school, has a room full of 11-year-old girls, while Mr. Napolitano, a 50-year-old former special education teacher, faces 23 boys. A third fifth-grade class down the hall is co-ed...more...
The Vajayjay Monologue
By Hawley Roddick for Opensalon.com, March 10, 2009 - You've probably noticed that the word vagina now shows up regularly on television, especially in medical and crime dramas. And a while ago, perhaps you watched spellbound, as I did, when Oprah told us how to find our own G spot in our own vajayjay. (Footnote to history: When a diplomat used "hitting the G-spot" as a metaphor in a speech to which Bush 43 was listening, a television reporter opined that the reference "didn't seem to register with the president." Poor Laura!)...more..
ICE Raid Targets Immigrants, Breaks Apart Families
Statement by OneAmerica Executive Director Pramila Jayapal
Washington - March 9 - On February 24, 2009, at approximately 9 AM, about seven Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents dressed in riot gear raided the Yamato Engine Specialists in Bellingham, Wash. ICE agents entered the facility with buckets of handcuffs and ankle chains. Twenty-eight employees were arrested, processed, handcuffed and questioned; three women were later released on humanitarian grounds. The remaining 25 employees-all immigrants from Latin America-were put (still handcuffed) on buses and taken to an undisclosed location. According to Rosalinda Guillen of Community to Community Development in Bellingham, attorneys who tried to communicate with ICE to provide legal assistance to arrested workers were not able to receive any information from ICE...more..
Parental involvement laws have little,if any, impact on abortion rates
Obstructing Teens’ Access Increases Costs and Compromises Safety
Laws requiring parental involvement in minors’ abortions—promoted by their proponents as a way of encouraging parent-child communication and lowering the teen abortion rate—appear to do little to reduce teen abortion or pregnancy rates, according to a new comprehensive review of published research on the effects of such laws. Moreover, there is no evidence that shows whether these laws affect parent-child communication, but there is some evidence that they may cause real harm to teens.
Currently, 34 states have laws in effect that mandate parental involvement in minors’ abortions. The new analysis suggests that while having little impact on the abortion rate, these laws force many teens to navigate complicated judicial bypass systems to obtain waivers or to seek abortions in a state without parental involvement requirements. These barriers delay access to the procedure, reducing safety and resulting in later, more costly abortions.
Click here for more information:
The Impact of Laws Requiring Parental Involvement for Abortion: A Literature Review, by Amanda Dennis of Ibis Reproductive Health, Stanley Henshaw of the Guttmacher Institute, Theodore J. Joyce of Baruch College, Lawrence B. Finer of the Guttmacher Institute and Kelly Blanchard of Ibis Reproductive Health.
State Policies in Brief: Parental Involvement in Minors’ Abortions
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Alice Walker, CODEPINK Founder Medea Benjamin in Gaza to Mark International Women's Day *
Millions around the world marked International Women's Day on Sunday by celebrating advances made by women and honoring the ongoing global struggle for gender equality and equal rights. We go to Gaza, where a women's delegation just made it in, to speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker and CODEPINK founder Medea Benjamin.
México: Diputados se atrincheran y aprueban la iniciativa en lo general
Prohíben legalizar el aborto en Puebla
Inútil intervención de Emilio Gamboa; recurrirá el PRD a la SCJN
Acusan al blanquiazul de urdir campaña para revertir despenalización
por Mónica Camacho para La Jornada de Oriente - Puebla, Pue., 12 de marzo. Protegido por medio centenar de policías antimotines, el Congreso de Puebla aprobó en lo general una reforma a la Constitución local que estipula que el Estado debe garantizar la vida desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
Esto cierra la puerta a cualquier legislación que permitiera el aborto o la eutanasia...más..
México: Llama AN a violar norma sobre aborto
Nada obliga a Guanajuato a cumplirla: líder
por Carlos García para La Jornada, México, marzo 11, 2009 - León, Gto., 10 de marzo. El gobierno de Guanajuato no tiene la obligación de practicar abortos a mujeres que fueron violadas, como ordena la norma oficial mexicana (NOM) 046. Además, el Código Penal no estipula sanciones al respecto, y en caso de publicarse la NOM seguiremos manteniendo nuestra posición de respeto al derecho a la vida, afirmó el presidente del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) en la entidad, Fernando Torres Graciano. Aseguró que en Guanajuato el aborto no es un acto legal ni permitido formalmente...más...
México: Las mujeres, culpables del pandillerismo: panista
Carlos García, corresponsal, Para La Jornada el 8 de marzo de 2009 - Irapuato, Gto., 7 de marzo. Los pandilleros son el resultado de que las madres salgan a trabajar, afirmó el alcalde de Irapuato, el panista Mario Turrent Antón, ante unas 200 personas que se habían reunido para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
El pandillero es el producto de una madre que tuvo que dejar su hogar para ir a buscar un poquito más de recursos para la familia, aseveró el político.
El gobierno de Irapuato quiere trabajar más fuerte para que la madre regrese a su hogar y nos ayude a abatir ese problema, señaló.
Norma Nolasco, presidenta del Grupo Unido de Madres Solteras, recriminó al gobernante lo dicho y sostuvo: “nos culpan de los errores que ellos cometen como gobernantes. No hay salarios justos, no hay política pública de género. Hay pandillerismo, y ahora resulta que las culpables son las mujeres. No asumen su responsabilidad.
Las declaraciones de Mario Turrent demuestran que es un político misógino y machista, y me pregunto: si la presidenta del DIF de Irapuato (esposa del alcalde) sale a trabajar, ¿sus hijos van ser pandilleros?
El alcalde no conoce la realidad que viven las trabajadoras. No sólo en las colonias populares hay pandillerismo, sino también en las zonas residenciales, pero es de otro tipo, expuso Nolasco.
Que nos dote de empleos bien remunerados para que las mujeres se queden en sus casas a cuidar a los hijos. En su caso, que saque a su esposa de trabajar para que esté en su casa, como Dios manda, para que sus hijos no salgan pandilleros, concluyó.
En agosto de 2005, el entonces alcalde de León, el panista Ricardo Alaniz Posada, dijo que el incremento de la delincuencia se debía a que las madres solteras transmiten la amargura a sus hijos y se convierten en criminales.
.Desde SEMILAC: www.redsemlac.net y www.redsemlac-cuba.net
-Uruguay: Zapatos contra la violencia
-Perú: De la protesta en la calle al debate en los ministerios
-República Dominicana: Mujeres se enfrentan al peor machismo
-México: Feministas contra los fundamentalismos
ARGENTINA: Adopción y tráfico de niños Se habla de cerca de 25.000 dólares por un bebé sano y "de buena presencia". Más...
REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: Buscando con que comer, de vez en cuando En un aula de clases de una comunidad rural estaba una maestra revisando la asistencia y preguntóa los niños y las niñas por un compañero que tenia varios días sin asistir a clases. ..más..
COLOMBIA: El 70% de abusos sexuales se comete en menores de 14 años La concejal de Bogotá Gilma Jiménez dijo que un 85% de los dictámenes por violencia sexual fueron en mujeres. ..más..
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