
MEXICO: Son ya 44 los menores fallecidos por el siniestro en la guardería. Entre los demás propietarios están esposas de funcionarios estatales y el encargado de finanzas del PRI sonorense
Ulises Gutiérrez Ruelas, La Jornada - Hermosillo, Son., 8 de junio. El gobernador Eduardo Bours Castelo admitió este lunes que dos de las dueñas de la guardería ABC, que se incendió el viernes anterior, son esposas de funcionarios de su gabinete, otro es encargado de finanzas del PRI estatal y una más es tía de Margarita Zavala, esposa del presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. La Procuraduría de Justicia estatal dio a conocer por su parte que hasta el momento han muerto 44 niños por la conflagración en la estancia infantil, siniestro por el cual siguen hospitalizados 16 menores y cuatro adultos.
Desde Semlac:
Perú : Desconcierto impera entre nativos tras masacre -MIGRACION
México: La modernidad también puede matar -
Latinoamérica: El lado más perverso de la industria turística -
Paraguay: Mujeres militares, entre el acoso y la violación -
Guatemala: Maquilas, dos décadas de discriminación y esclavitud para las mujeres -
Cuba: VIH/sida: En busca de mensajes más efectivos -
Migrantes mexicanos aportan a EU 3.7% de su PIB: Bancomer. La riqueza que generan equivale a 57.7% del producto de México en un año, estima - Israel Rodríguez, La Joenada, junio 9 2009 - Los trabajadores mexicanos que laboran en Estados Unidos aportan 3.7 por ciento del producto interno bruto (PIB) de aquel país, una generación de riqueza equivalente a 57.7 por ciento del valor total de la producción de bienes y servicios de la economía mexicana en un año, según estimaciones del Grupo Financiero BBVA-Bancomer.
En otro aspecto, la institución descartó un regreso masivo de migrantes de Estados Unidos por la desaceleración económica de ese país, y consideró que su regreso dependerá en gran medida de la profundidad y extensión de la recesión. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no hay evidencias de un retorno masivo de connacionales porque su situación económica no sería mejor si vuelven a México. El desempleo ha sido un importante factor de expulsión de fuerza laboral mexicana.
Marguerite Yourcenar anheló un mundo sin idolatría, pero rico en respeto. En la Casa Universitaria del Libro evocaron a la escritora a 106 años de su natalicio – Por Carlos Paul para La Jornada, junio 10 2009 - Con el título Nuestra Señora de las Letras, este lunes evocaron a la escritora Marguerite Yourcenar, a 106 años de su natalicio.
El acto se realizó en la Casa Universitaria del Libro, con la participación de Paola Velasco, José María Espinasa, Mauricio Carrera, José Antonio Lugo y Fernando Solana, de quien se leyó un texto.
Antiabortion Efforts Move to the State Level- Legislatures Often Mandate Restrictions - By Peter Slevin for Washington Post , June 8, 2009 - Jackson, Miss. -- Twelve women sat gloomily in a windowless conference room as Joseph Booker, M.D., recited the instructions required by the state of Mississippi before he can perform an abortion.
"Try to bear with us," Booker began. "This is something we have to do."
Prenatal benefits may be available, prospective fathers are legally liable for support and a list of adoption agencies can be provided, he said, ticking through a list worn into his memory. He offered the women a packet that included a brochure containing color photos of tiny fetuses inside the womb.
Why did a pro-choice president appoint someone to HHS who is against abortion AND birth control? Political payback? . Obama's poor choice for faith leader - By Frances Kissling for Salon.com, Jun. 07, 2009 | President Barack Obama's appointment of Alexia Kelley, founder of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, as director of the Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives took the pro-choice movement by surprise. On Thursday, the day that news of the appointment leaked out, Marcia Greenberger, co-president of the National Women's Law Center and a quintessential Washington insider, told me that she "hadn't heard anything about it till today, and we are trying to get to the bottom of it."
The secret lives of nannies - The author of "Just Like Family" talks about what it's really like to be paid to love someone else's child. - By Lynn Harris for Salon.com, Jun. 08, 2009 | My grandmother grew up 100 years ago in the rural South, where precious few white people questioned the notion that blacks were an inferior race. It was inconceivable that her family's "mammy," Lucy Forrester, would ever -- if she set foot in their Model T Ford in the first place -- presume to ride in the front seat. And yet Lucy Forrester was so beloved, so deeply connected to the family she worked for that they named my grandmother -- Lucy Crawford -- after her.
Today, in families across America, nannies -- even without such overt or institutionalized racism -- occupy a similar spot, layered with so many shades of gray: They are outsiders and insiders, they are not the children's parents, but they may have an even firmer hand in childrearing. They are not family, but they are part of the family. And that is the tricky terrain writer (and, briefly, former nanny) Tasha Blaine explores in "Just Like Family: Inside the Lives of Nannies, the Parents They Work for and the Children They Love." Her primary sources: nannies.
Summer is coming, hide the virgins!. As the weather heats up, so do abstinence advocates over chastity. - By Tracy Clark-Flory for Salon.com, Jun. 08, 2009 | Sun, sweat and stretches of bronzed skin -- there's no denying summer gets people thinking about sex. Most of us relish this sunscreen-slicked sensuality, but for some abstinence advocates, it presents the specter of young and unmarried bodies rolling in the sheets. It's chastity's yearly trial by fire. Recently, the seasonal panic has reliably yielded a crop of articles about the horrors of hookup culture and, sure enough, as the warmest months approach, it's clear this year will be no exception.
NPR reports on the decades-old trend with the cutting edge of a retirement community's resident-written newsletter: Apparently, "hooking up" means kissing, petting and having intimacies without any commitment! On the other end of the age spectrum, Cosmopolitan has a feature in its July issue about women in their early twenties who are still virgins. (Breaking news alert: College virgins do exist.) But the casual sex panic really begins with The National Review's infamous Kathryn Jean Lopez, who got worked up over Cosmo's reportage. Now, some snark is reasonable, given the non-news at hand, but that isn't the bee in Lopez's bonnet. She's irritated because the article's pure protagonists are "on the brink" of giving in to peer pressure and handing over their "v card," as the glossy calls it.
Bring On the Tarantulas . I cannot tell you how inspiring it is to see the fate of the legislative agenda hinging on a person who is under indictment for stabbing his girlfriend with a broken glass.- By Gail Collins for The New York Times, June 11, 2009 - I am deeply depressed about my state’s Legislature. This is an embarrassing thing to have to admit, since it obviously suggests the lack of a full and meaningful inner life.
Still, it’s bad. You may have heard that New York is currently in crisis because two Democrats in the State Senate defected, giving Republicans control. The remaining Democrats turned out the lights and locked the doors.
Concern About Antioxidants and Breast Cancer - By Tara Parker-Pope for The New York Times, June 8, 2009 - Many women with breast cancer continue to take antioxidant supplements despite worries that the pills may interfere with treatment, a new study shows.
The report, published in the July issue of the medical journal Cancer, is the latest to raise concerns about the large number of cancer patients turning to megadoses of vitamin and mineral supplements in hopes of boosting their health.
Some research suggests that high doses of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and selenium, may interfere with radiation and some types of chemotherapy. Those treatments attack tumor cells by generating free radicals, which vitamin supplements may essentially “clean up,” preventing them from attacking the cancer. Other studies suggest that just like healthy cells, cancer cells thrive in the presence of high doses of antioxidants.
Art: The Intersection of Islam, America and Identity - By Deborah Sontag for The New York Times, June 7, 2009 - After a long courtship over the telephone, Asma Ahmed, a painter in Karachi, Pakistan, married her fiancé, Rafi-uddin Shikoh, a business consultant in New York, in a bicontinental wedding by Webcam. When the new bride then moved to Queens in 2002, she tried to make herself at home by staking her claim through art.
In Pakistan Ms. Ahmed Shikoh’s work had been sociopolitical, addressing what she saw as the country’s colonization by American fast-food chains, for instance, with paintings like “The Invasion,” in which swarms of Ronald McDonalds, wearing screaming-red clown wigs, surround a central monument in Karachi.
Here, however, her art turned deeply personal as she grappled with her new identity as an immigrant and, having rarely set foot in a mosque back home, as a gradually more observant Muslim. In her first American paintings Ms. Ahmed Shikoh reimagined the Statue of Liberty in her own image: in a Pakistani wedding dress, as a pregnant immigrant and as a regal mother, baby on hip. Next she transformed the subway map with paint and calligraphic script into an Urdu manuscript that made the city feel more like hers.
When Sex Leaves the Marriage- By Tara Parker-Pope or The New York Times, June 3, 2009 - Is your relationship still filled with sparks? (Lauren Fleischman for The New York Times)-Why do some couples sizzle while others fizzle? Social scientists are studying no-sex marriages for clues about what can go wrong in relationships.
Married men and women, on average, have sex with their spouse 58 times a year, a little more than once a week, according to data collected from the General Social Survey, which has tracked the social behaviors of Americans since 1972. But there are wide variations in that number. Married people under 30 have sex about 111 times a year. And it’s estimated that about 15 percent of married couples have not had sex with their spouse in the last six months to one year, according to Denise A. Donnelly, associate professor of sociology at Georgia State University, who has studied sexless marriage.
I recently spoke with Professor Donnelly about how much researchers really understand about no-sex marriages. Here’s our conversation.
"Weird" Sex Fantasies, And Why They're Good For You - By Brie Cadman, Divine Caroline,, posted on June 1, 2009, Alternet.org - If you want to enliven your next dinner party, bring out this question: what was the subject of your last sexual fantasy?Forks and jaws might drop, but only because almost everyone in attendance will be recreating the scene last played in their head, or claiming that they don’t fantasize, or claiming to only fantasize about their partner. However, chances are everyone at the table (assuming you’re not dining at a senior center) has erotic and illicit fantasies, and does so on a normal basis. But rarely, if ever, do we want to talk about it.
Dude, man up and start acting like a mom - How I learned to stop sulking and embrace my life as a stay-at-home father - By Aaron Traister for Salon.com, Jun. 09, 2009 | I'm a flake. I've always been a flake. Whether it's my career or school or creative pursuits, I never seem to follow through, and I have a terrible habit of believing that I am smarter than the people I work for and with. I'm a flake and a schmuck.
The only two areas of my life where I feel truly committed and at ease are with my wife and children. So, two years ago, it was with some enthusiasm that I removed myself from the world of adults and settled in for a yearlong turn as a stay-at-home dad.
Palin: Socialism "is where we are headed" - John McCain's '08 running mate tells an admiring Sean Hannity "we told ya so" about Obama. - By Joan Walsh for Salon.com, Jun. 08, 2009 | Matt Drudge is headlining an excerpt from Sarah Palin's interview/lovefest with Sean Hannity, scheduled for tonight at 9 p.m. EDT. No real surprises: Palin still sounds a bit befuddled when she talks about big issues.
We’re borrowing more to spend more ... it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college … We’re borrowing from China, and we consider that now we own 60 percent of General Motors – or the U.S. government does … But who is the U.S. government becoming more indebted to? It’s China. So that leads you to have to ask who is really going to own our car industry than in America.
Homophobia on Prime Time: Judges from 'So You Think You Can Dance' Freak Out Over Two Men Dancing Together - By Greta Christina, Greta Christina's Blog, Posted on June 6, 2009 - So what does it mean when people in the dance world -- I repeat, the dance world -- are shocked and confused at the sight of two men dancing together?A couple of weeks ago the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance" premiered its new season. It started, as always, by showcasing highlights from the audition process.
Gays in the Military — By Kevin Drum for Mother Jones | Sun June 7, 2009 - Here's some good, if unsurprising, news: support for allowing gays to serve openly in the military is up considerably since 2004. For the past few decades public opinion on all kinds of gay issues has trended more tolerant by about 1% per year, and Gallup's latest poll confirms this: in the past five years support for allowing gays and lesbians to serve has increased from 63% to 69%.
Perhaps surprisingly, the biggest shift comes from conservatives, who have become more supportive by 12 percentage points, moving from 46% in favor to 58% in favor. Regular churchgoers and the young have also made bigger-than-average jumps.
The NYT's nice, new euphemism for torture - What happened at Guantanamo was just some "intense interrogation." - Glenn Greenwald for Salon.com, Jun. 06, 2009 | (updated below) - In today's New York Times, William Glaberson describes a proposal being circulated by the Obama administration to enable Guantanamo detainees to be put to death upon a mere guilty plea, i.e., without the need for a full-blown trial. The article describes the purpose of the proposal this way:
The proposal would ease what has come to be recognized as the government’s difficult task of prosecuting men who have confessed to terrorism but whose cases present challenges. Much of the evidence against the men accused in the Sept. 11 case, as well as against other detainees, is believed to have come from confessions they gave during intense interrogations at secret C.I.A. prisons. In any proceeding, the reliability of those statements would be challenged, making trials difficult and drawing new political pressure over detainee treatment.
As New Afghanistan Commander Sails Toward Confirmation, Key Torture Questions Go Unasked - By Byard Duncan, for AlterNet, Posted on June 3, 2009 - General Stanley McChrystal, the media darling/special ops ogre of the Bush era is no stranger to movement. During his yearlong fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2000, he would rise at the crack of dawn every morning to run 12 miles from his home in Brooklyn to his office in Manhattan. Before that job, he bounced from West Point to Fort Bragg to South Korea to Saudi Arabia, building his military credentials and sharpening an intellect so intense, colleagues dubbed him "scary smart." As he prepares to dart out of the special ops shadows and into the boots of Gen. David McKiernan, the recently fired head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, it's worth listening for the rattle of skeletons McChrystal will be dragging behind him.
First up is the issue of torture. McChrystal has been linked to an operation called the Terrorist Screen Center (TSC), which was located at Camp Nama in Iraq. The institution was one of several Saddam-era torture centers converted into U.S. "interrogation facilities" by special ops forces under the general's command.
Obama's Pick to Lead Afghan War Linked to Abuse of Prisoners & Secret Assassination Unit - Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal formerly served as commander of the Joint Special Operations Command from 2003 to 2008. During that time, he oversaw a secretive program to hunt down and assassinate suspected terrorists around the globe. Last year, lawmakers delayed Stanley McChrystal's nomination for a key position because of questions about prisoner abuse by forces under his command. Many of the reports of abuse center on Camp Nama, a US base near Baghdad's airport where Special Operations troops ran an interrogation and detention center.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/6/8/obamas_pick_to_hear_afghan_war
Bill Moyers: The Rise of Private Armies -- Mercenaries, Murder and Corruption in Iraq and Afghanistan - Journalist Jeremy Scahill warns against the growing power of corporate private armies and the "disintegration of the nation state apparatus." By Bill Moyers, The following is a transcript from the Bill Moyers Journal on PBS, broadcast on June 5. - There was good news and bad news about Afghanistan this week. And it was the same news.
That's right. The Senate held confirmation hearings for Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal, slated to be the next commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Here's how two different news organizations reported his testimony:
Peruvian Police Accused of Massacring Indigenous Protesters in Amazon Jungle - Dozens of people are estimated to have been killed in clashes between police and indigenous activists protesting oil and mining projects in the northern Peruvian Amazonian province of Bagua. Peruvian authorities have declared a military curfew, and troops are patrolling towns in the Amazon jungle. Authorities say up to twenty-two policemen have been killed, and two remain missing. The indigenous community says at least forty people, including three children, were killed by the police this weekend.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/6/8/peruvian_police_accused_of_massacring
Peru Police Accused of Disposing of Dead Indigenous to Cover Up Death Toll - Indigenous Leaders and Allies Call for an End to Violence on All Sides - Bagua, Peru - June 8 - In the aftermath of Friday’s bloody raid on a peaceful indigenous road blockade near Bagua in the Peruvian Amazon, numerous eyewitnesses are reporting that the Special Forces of the Peruvian Police have been disposing of the bodies of indigenous protesters who were killed.
“Today I spoke to many eyewitnesses in Bagua reporting that they saw police throw the bodies of the dead into the Marañon River from a helicopter in an apparent attempt by the Government to underreport the number of indigenous people killed by police,” said Gregor MacLennan, spokesperson for Amazon Watch speaking.
Contact: Amazon Watch
In the U.S.: Nick Magel 1-419-283-2728 nick@amazonwatch.org
In Peru: Gregor MacLennan + 511 - 993 916-389
UN Human Rights Council Blasts US for Killing Civilians, Drone Attacks and Using Mercenaries. The UN group is also calling on the US to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate crimes by US officials. - by Jeremy Scahill, Published on June 4, 2009 by RebelReports - The UN Human Rights Council has issued a report blasting the US for killing civilians, violating human rights and creating a “zone of impunity” for unaccountable private contractors to fight its wars. The UN group also criticized the US use of drones to attack Pakistan. The report, released this week was authored by Philip Alston, the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
FORM THE PROGRESS REPORT: CIA Director Leon Panetta urged a federal judge yesterday not to release certain Bush-era documents that detail the videotaped interrogations of CIA detainees at secret prisons. "Panetta defended the classification of records describing the contents of the 92 videotapes, their destruction by the CIA in 2005 and what he called 'sensitive operational information' about the interrogations."
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan led another protest against President Bush near his Dallas home yesterday. "George Bush and his administration are mass murderers," she told the crowd, using a loudspeaker. "People say, 'Cindy, get over it.' Well, there are still two wars raging. I don't have an option of getting over it. ... We have to keep it up so things like this don't happen again."
Immigrant Women Changing America ... and Themselves - By Cristina F. Pereda, New America Media. , Posted on May 18, 2009 - New America Media this week released a historic poll on women immigrants to America that shows how the face of immigration is changing. A majority of immigrants are now women, mothers and workers, stewards of their households. This is the major finding of the poll conducted by Bendixen & Associates and released at a forum discussion and news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.
Reid Declares Immigration a Priority for Senate - By Ben Pershing for Washington Post, June 6, 2009 - With President Obama on a historic foreign trip, a Supreme Court nomination pending and massive health-care and climate change bills percolating in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) managed to draw headlines on a completely separate front Thursday: immigration.
At a news conference with Hispanic leaders to tout Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court candidacy, Reid said a comprehensive immigration bill is "going to happen this session, but I want it this year, if at all possible." Reid called it one of his three top priorities this year, along with health care and energy.
His comments drew renewed attention to the immigration issue, which has been largely dormant on Capitol Hill since a comprehensive reform measure failed in the Senate in 2007. Despite the hopes of Reid and other advocates, however, with Congress and the White House preoccupied with a packed legislative calendar, immigration reform looks unlikely to pass this year.
An Immigration Bill This Year? Don't Bet on It - By Ben Pershing for Washington Post, June 5, 2009 - With President Obama on an historic foreign trip, a Supreme Court nomination pending and massive health care and climate change bills both percolating on Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) managed to make news on a completely separate front yesterday -- immigration.
At a press conference with Hispanic leaders to tout Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court candidacy, Reid said a comprehensive immigration bill is "going to happen this session, but I want it this year, if at all possible." Reid called it one of his three top priorities this year, along with health care and energy.
Solving the Immigration Problem Means Addressing the Realities of Corporate Globalization - By Douglas Massey, , Boston Review. Posted May 28, 2009. - This article is a response to Joseph H. Carens's Case for Amnesty, and part of a New Democracy Forum on immigration. - Joseph Carens has advanced a strong moral argument in favor of amnesty for irregular migrants in the United States. I agree with the need for some kind of legalization program and share his ethical concerns. The current immigration crisis, however, stems from deeper U.S. policy failures that must be addressed, or the problem of undocumented migration will simply recreate itself.
The core of the U.S. immigration dilemma is Mexico. Of the roughly eleven million people in the United States with undocumented status, about 60 percent -- some 6.5 million people -- come from Mexico. The next closest case is El Salvador, with around 570,000 undocumented migrants, followed by Guatemala at 400,000; the numbers drop off rapidly from there. If we deal effectively with migration from Mexico, other immigration problems become small by comparison and much easier to resolve.
Fresno Journal: Voice That Sounds Like Home Welcomes Mexico’s Outsiders - By Randal C. Archibold for The New York Times, June 9, 2009 . Fresno, Calif. — The voice trembled with anguish. - “Please,” Esmeralda Santiago pleaded, calling into a radio show here aimed at the poorest of Mexico’s emigrants, indigenous people from the southern state of Oaxaca. “This is for Sylvia Santiago. Please, if you can hear us, call. Our mother is worried because we have not talked with you in a while.”
Filemón López, the host of the show, listened and nodded. He had heard such heartache before. The woman spoke first in Spanish and then repeated her plea — breaking down in sobs — in Triqui, one of Oaxaca’s indigenous languages.
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