
México:Acteal: Archivos improcedentes *- 08/20/2009 - Mientras los mexicanos debaten sobre el dictamen de la Suprema Corte de la semana pasada, anulando la condena de 20 hombres por la masacre de Acteal, documentos recién desclasificados de la Agencia de Inteligencia de Defensa (DIA según sus siglas en inglés) de EU describen el papel del Ejército en el apoyo a los grupos paramilitares en Chiapas, en el momento de los asesinatos. Los cables secretos confirman los reportes sobre el apoyo militar a los grupos indígenas armados que llevaron a cabo ataques contra comunidades pro zapatistas de la región y añaden importantes detalles nuevos. También reviven un asunto que ha estado latente por casi 12 años: ¿cuándo dirá la Sedena la verdad sobre su papel en Acteal? * English version below
En 4 años, 672 feminicidios en el Edomex; impunes 89% de casos, según la Codhem / Tenían de 11 a 40 años; eran amas de casa o estudiantes de 5 municipios - Mariana Norandi - La Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (Codhem) denunció que en esa entidad, en lo que va de la presente administración, han sido asesinadas 672 mujeres y 89 por ciento de esos casos no han sido esclarecidos. Según la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado, en ese mismo periodo (septiembre de 2005-agosto de 2009) han sido ultimadas 500 mujeres, 95 de ellas este año.
Estados Unidos: Reconocer el trabajo de los indocumentados - Ana María Aragonés - En los días recientes se han escuchado cuestionamientos provenientes de algunos sectores de la población estadunidense en relación con la posición que ha adoptado el presidente Barack Obama de no dar prioridad al programa de reforma migratoria, como ofreció durante su campaña a la presidencia, y enviarla hasta finales de año, dado que su preocupación central en estos momentos es la reforma en el sistema de salud.
Medio ambiente: De riesgo a realidad: muertes por nanotecnología - Silvia Ribeiro - Siete trabajadoras chinas enfermaron gravemente luego de haber trabajado algunos meses en una fábrica de pinturas que usaba nanopartículas. Sufrieron daños severos y permanentes en los pulmones, erupciones en rostro y brazos. Dos de ellas murieron y las demás no mejoran después de varios años.
Cuba - Hemingway, Leopoldina, María Ignacia y yo (parte V y final) - Por Ilse Bulit - Con la sospecha, María Ignacia acudió a un médico amigo. Lo confirmó. Mi abuelo Abelardo le contagió la sífilis, regalo de los lupanares. La idea de la muerte, la vergüenza, la rabia contenida, saberse usada, irrespetada. Con su madre Rosalía aprendió a ofrendar las lágrimas sólo a los muertos.
Peru : Sólida defensa demuestra que Teresita Antazú es inocente - La abogada Ivonne Macassi León, del Centro de la Mujer Peruana, Flora Tristán, sostuvo hoy la defensa de Teresita Antazú, en la audiencia realizada ante la Sexta Sala Penal de la Corte Superior de Lima presidida por el Dr. Carlos Escobar Antezano, ante la acusación que sobre ella pesa de atentar contra el Estado y el orden constitucional, sólo por el hecho de estar presente en una conferencia de prensa.
Visita también: www.alianzaportusderechos.org
Want to Boycott Fox News Sponsors? Here's a List !!!!
Meet the Man Who Is Taking On Glenn Beck - By Staff, The Young Turks - ColorofChange.org's James Rucker talks about the campaign that has been stripping Beck of advertisers one by one. Read more »
There Are More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History - By Terrence McNally, AlterNet, Posted on August 24, 2009 - The world suffers global recession, enormous inequity, hunger, deforestation, pollution, climate change, nuclear weapons, terrorism, etc. To those who say we’re not really making progress, many might point to the fact that at least we’ve eliminated slavery. But sadly that is not the truth.
Robert Fisk: Democracy will not bring freedom - So they voted. But for what? Democracy? Certainly not "Jeffersonian" democracy, as President Obama reminded us. Yes, the Afghans wanted to vote. They showed great courage in the face of the Taliban's threats. But there's a problem.
Why Women's rights are the causee of our time – A series of articles from The New York Times Magazine about gender and rights arround the world
"Baghdad Underground" Helps Iraqi Women Escape Abuse - By Anna Badkhen, Ms. Magazine
A clandestine network of shelters helps Iraqi women who have been raped, battered or forced into prostitution. Read more »
Remember the 10-year-old child bride? / Her story caused international outrage. But for her, the tragedy was just beginning - Sady Doyle, Aug. 28, 2009 | Last year, Nujood Ali seemed almost superhuman. The Yemeni girl was married off by her family at the age of 8 to a man who raped her repeatedly and joined with his family in beating her.
Anti-Choice Zealots Make Bank Promoting the "Personhood" of Zygotes - By Wendy Norris, RH Reality Check - The 'egg-as-person' crusade is driving big money to anti-choice groups. Read more »
Christian Organizations Shame and Coerce Women Into Giving Up Their Children - By Kathryn Joyce, The Nation - Many Christian adoption agencies are far more concerned with artificially producing "orphans" for Christian parents to adopt, than helping birth parents care for wanted children. Read more»
Is Jaycee Dugard's tormentor mentally ill?/ Sex offender Phillip Garrido held a girl captive for 18 years but says people will find the story "heart-warming - Kate Harding, Aug. 28, 2009 | "I've completely turned my life around. And you're going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim -- you wait. If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backwards and in the end, you're going to find the most powerful heart-warming story."
Sex and Food: What Feeding Porn Tells Us About Our Moralistic, Thinness-Obsessed Culture - By Jessica Hester, Bitch Magazine - If porn serves as a repository for images and ideas expelled from society at large, feeding porn seems inevitable. Read more »
Trailer: Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story' - Published on Friday, August 21, 2009 by CommonDreams.org - "It's a crime story. But it's also a war story about class warfare. And a vampire movie, with the upper 1 percent feeding off the rest of us. And, of course, it's also a love story. Only it's about an abusive relationship. "It's not about an individual, like Roger Smith, or a corporation, or even an issue, like health care. This is the big enchilada. This is about the thing that dominates all our lives - the economy. I made this movie as if it was going to be the last movie I was allowed to make. "It's a comedy." - Michael Moore Check back for updates at http://www.michaelmoore.com
Ellen Goodman on the Sexists of the Year - "The Equal Rites Awards, 2009" -- Every year at this time, we celebrate the anniversary of women’s suffrage by recognizing those who have done their best over the last 12 months to set back the cause of women.
Why Do Women Orgasm? - By David P. Barash, Dr. Judith Eve Lipton, National Sexuality Resource Center - Scientists are still mystified about the evolutionary advantages of many aspects of women's sexuality. Read more »
How Our Health System Screws Over Women - By Sharon Lerner, The Nation - To be sure, no group is doing well under our network of private insurers. But women fare particularly badly. Read more »
Who wants to date a domestic abuser? - When the body of reality show contestant Ryan Alexander Jenkins was found hanging in the closet of a Canadian motel Sunday, it was the gruesome end of an astonishingly lurid tale. The recent VH1 star, who had fled to his native country to avoid charges in the grisly murder of his ex-wife, was no stranger to trouble.
Dan Savage, TV star? - -Aug. 25, 2009 - Human sexuality, in all its glorious, fascinating diversity, should be a limitless source of entertainment.
Lutheran Group Eases Limits on Gay Clergy - By MICHAEL LUO and CHRISTINA CAPECCHI, August 22, 2009 - After an emotional debate over the authority of Scripture and the limits of biblical inclusiveness, leaders of the country’s largest Lutheran denomination voted Friday to allow gay men and lesbians in committed relationships to serve as members of the clergy.
Blackwater Founder Accused in Court of Intent to Kill - By Jerry Markon, Washington , August 29, 2009 - The founder of Blackwater USA deliberately caused the deaths of innocent civilians in a series of shootings in Iraq, attorneys for Iraqis suing the security contractor told a federal judge Friday.
Video: CIA Outsourced Assassinations to Blackwater.
C.I.A. Abuse Cases Detailed in Report on Detainees - By MARK MAZZETTI and SCOTT SHANE, August 26, 2009 - WASHINGTON —The Justice Department released a long-secret report Monday chronicling abuses inside the Central Intelligence Agency’s overseas prisons, showing how interrogators choked a prisoner repeatedly and threatened to kill another detainee’s children.
"We're going to kill your children" - Mock executions and a favored Saddam technique, all endorsed by Cheney. Highlights of the CIA interrogation report - By Mark Benjamin.
"Handgun and power drill" - Selected pages from the CIA inspector general's report on interrogation during the war on terror - By Mark Benjamin.
Glenn Greenwald on CIA Interrogation Probe, Obama and Why the Media Failed on Covering Torture - Attorney General Eric Holder has opened an inquiry into CIA torture. On Monday, Holder appointed veteran federal prosecutor John Durham to look into whether CIA interrogators and contractors should be charged for the torture and abuse of foreign prisoners...We speak with political and legal blogger for Salon.com, Glenn Greenwald.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/8/26/glenn_greenwald_on_cia_interrogation_probe
The legal cloak of brutality - Posted: 26 Aug 2009 - Report shows tight CIA control on interrogations By Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti, New York Times, August 26, 2009 Two 17-watt fluorescent-tube bulbs — no more, no less — illuminated each cell, 24 hours a day. White noise played constantly but was never to exceed 79 decibels. A prisoner could be doused with 41-degree water but for [...]
Breaking the Silence: The Mexican Army and the 1997 Acteal Massacre- Washington, D.C., August 20, 2009 - As Mexicans debate last week’s Supreme Court ruling vacating the conviction of 20 men for the Acteal massacre, newly declassified documents from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency describe the Army’s role in backing paramilitary groups in Chiapas at the time of the killings. The secret cables confirm reporting about military support for indigenous armed groups carrying out attacks on pro-Zapatista communities in the region and add important new details. They also revive a question that has lingered for almost 12 years: when will the Army come clean about its role in Acteal?
From The Progress Report -- Pentagon hires controversial firm to screen whether embedded reporters wrote 'positive' stories: Stars and Stripes reported yesterday that the Pentagon has hired The Rendon Group to screen journalists seeking to embed with U.S. forces. As part of a $1.5 million "news analysis and media assessment" contract, Rendon examines "individual reporters' recent work and determines whether the coverage was 'positive,' 'negative' or 'neutral' compared to mission objectives," officials from the contractor said. Public affairs officer Air Force Capt. Elizabeth Mathias insists that the military has "not denied access to anyone because of what may or may not come out of their biography." However, last month, the military barred a Stars and Stripes reporter from embedding with a unit in Iraq because he had "refused to highlight" good news. The military was also unhappy that the reporter "would not answer questions about stories he was writing." Rendon has received millions from the U.S. government since 9/11 (at one point, taxpayers were paying CEO John Rendon $311.26/hour). The "secretive" firm personally set up the Iraqi National Congress and helped install Ahmad Chalabi as the group's leader, whose main goal -- "pressure the United States to attack Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein" -- Rendon helped facilitate.
Liberal Lion Ted Kennedy Has Died ... What Happens Now with Immigration Reform? - By Andrea Nill, Center for American Progress - Kennedy "laid the groundwork" for the sort of humane immigration reform that he had spent much of his political career fighting for, but never achieved. Read more »
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