
El acoso escolar y sus terribles secuelas - Por Liliana Aguirre F. Evocar la infancia en la escuela es un placer para muchas personas: se rememora cuándo se aprendió a leer y escribir, dónde se conoció a los primeros amigos y amigas, o simplemente el lugar donde se fue feliz descubriendo la vida. Sin embargo, estos recuerdos pueden tornarse tormentosos para quienes sufrieron acoso escolar. El acoso escolar surge cuando una niña o niño es víctima de otro u otros infantes.
Mujeres en los medios de comunicación: ¿ausentes o silenciadas?
Por Julia Vicuña Yacarine - ¿Es posible hablar de libertad de información y expresión cuando amplios sectores de los movimientos sociales son ignorados o relegados? ¿Contamos con una opinión pública informada? ¿La ciudadanía tiene oportunidad de enterarse de la agenda de los movimientos de mujeres? Estas fueron algunas de las interrogantes en torno a las cuales se desarrolló en Lima un desayuno feminista y un conversatorio internacional bajo el tema: "Las mujeres en la agenda de los medios de comunicación".
¿Quién responde a las mujeres? -
Por Sara Lovera - Los gobiernos no han respondido a las mujeres. Después de decenios de compromisos nacionales e internacionales, no hay quien responda a las mujeres sobre su ancestral discriminación. Hasta ahora, aunque hay adelantos, subsisten solo discursos vacíos. .
Indígenas en riesgo de extinción por efectos del conflicto armado
Por Ángela Castellanos Aranguren - El conflicto armado que vive Colombia está poniendo en riesgo no solamente la vida de los indígenas, sino la supervivencia misma de algunos pueblos aborígenes, ya que las amenazas y ataques los están forzando a dejar sus territorios, que les son vitales para su vida espiritual y material. En vísperas de conmemorarse el Día Internacional de las Poblaciones Indígenas, el próximo 9 de agosto, los aborígenes colombianos tienen más motivos de preocupación que de celebración.
Hemingway, Leopoldina, María Ignacia y yo (III parte)
Por Ilse Bulit - Cuando en África conocí de cerca a la cantante Miriam Makeba, sus ojos alargados me devolvieron los de Leopoldina, esa amante maltratada por los saqueadores de la vida íntima del escritor Ernest Hemingway. Esos ojos carmelitosos eran poseídos por las mujeres de la familia, pero ella fue la única dueña de la piel olivo envidiada por mí y definida por él con el ahorro de adjetivos de un periodista cuajado como corresponsal de guerra. ¿De qué hombre venía esa piel? Nunca lo supe.
Femicides of Juárez: Violence Against Women in Mexico - by Nidya Sarria, Published on Monday, August 3, 2009 by Council on Hemispheric Affairs - Juárez is nicknamed “the capital of murdered women.” The border city of 1.5 million inhabitants draws tens of thousands of young women from small, poor towns with $55-a-week jobs in maquiladoras operated by such wealthy major corporations as General Electric, Alcoa, and DuPont. According to Amnesty International, more than 800 bodies had been found as of February 2005, and over 3,000 women are still missing.
Guatemala's 'Femicide' Crisis - by Teresa Bo, Published on Monday, August 10, 2009 by Al-Jazeera/English - A white sheet covers another victim of Guatemala City's violence in District 16. Jocelyn was shot dead while walking home. She was only 17-years-old. Her family has no idea why she was killed. Her murder, like so many others in this country, will probably remain unpunished.
Women at Risk - By Bob Herbert -August 8, 2009 - “I actually look good. I dress good, am clean-shaven, bathe, touch of cologne — yet 30 million women rejected me,” wrote George Sodini in a blog that he kept while preparing for this week’s shooting in a Pennsylvania gym in which he killed three women, wounded nine others and then killed himself.
Shooter Read Sexist Christian Author's Book Before Pittsburgh Female Aerobics Class Massacre
By Bruce Wilson, AlterNet - Sodini's final reading: a book by sexist Fundamentalist who claimed husbands own their wives, as property. Read more»
The Culture of Violence in America - by Pat LaMarche, Published on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 by the Bangor Daily News (Maine) - Have you participated much in the debate swirling around George Sodini? He’s the man who walked into an aerobics class in Collier, Pa., last week, killed three women and wounded nine more. Since then I’ve heard more than a few discussions about gun control. See, it turns out that at least three of the guns Sodini had with him in the workout class he had purchased legally and this has fueled the argument that we Americans buy guns too easily.
Clinton Highlights Civilian Toll in Congo - By Jeffrey Gettleman and Sharon Otterman, August 12, 2009 - GOMA, Congo — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled a $17 million plan on Tuesday to fight the widespread sexual violence in eastern Congo, a problem she said was “evil in its basest form.”
Clinton Unveils US Plan to Combat Sexual Violence in Visit to Eastern Congo - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with survivors of violent sexual assault in the war-ravaged eastern Congo city of Goma in the first-ever visit by a high-level American official to the area. The staggeringly high number of rapes in the DRC have doubled and in some cases tripled since the deployment of a US- and UN-backed Congolese army force in January. We speak with Congolese human rights activist Christine Schuler Deschryver, who met with Clinton on Tuesday.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/8/12/congo
Symbol of Unhealed Congo: Male Rape Victims - By Jeffrey Gettleman, August 5, 2009- GOMA, Congo — It was around 11 p.m. when armed men burst into Kazungu Ziwa’s hut, put a machete to his throat and yanked down his pants. Mr. Ziwa is a tiny man, about four feet, six inches tall. He tried to fight back, but said he was quickly beaten down.
Detainees Were Raped in Iran Prison, Says Reformist - By Alan Cowell, August 11, 2009 -PARIS — As dispute swirls around events at a notorious prison used to incarcerate political opponents after Iran’s June 12 election, a leading reformist candidate in the vote said some inmates, both male and female, had been raped, according to news reports Monday.
Rape Victims Charged Up to $1,200 for Rape Kits - By Ben Protess and Emily Witt, The Huffington Post Investigative Fund. Posted August 11, 2009.-Rape is not something you should budget for. Yet some rape victims, unlike victims of other crimes, have to pay for basic evidence collection.
The Prison Crisis - Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 by GRITtv - The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any industrialized nation. In the face of an unprecedented economic crisis, some states are beginning to consider reducing their prison populations. But other states are looking to do just the opposite in an effort to create jobs. Today, David Fathi Director of Human Rights Watch's US Program, Glenn E. Martin, Vice President of Development and Public Affairs at the David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy, andVictoria Law, author of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles Of Incarcerated Women on the future of prison reform in the United States.
Why the Pro-Life Movement Is on the Verge of Civil War - By Cristina Page, AlterNet - When it comes to contraception, pro-lifers are alienating their own kind. Rea more »
Jeff Sharlet on "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" - A secretive group known as The Fellowship, or "The Family," is one of the most powerful Christian fundamentalist movements in the United States. The Family's devoted membership includes congressmen, corporate leaders, generals and foreign heads of state. Author Jeff Sharlet profiles the group in his book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/8/12/sharlet
Federal Marshals Abandon Doctor Targeted by Anti-Abortion Extremists - By Jodi Jacobson, RH Reality Check- One of the few doctors in the country who performs late-term abortions just lost his federal protection. Read more »
Anti-Choicers Distort Facts on Abortion Coverage in Health Reform - By Susan Cohen, Guttmacher Institute - Anti-abortion advocates are falsely claiming that health care reform would significantly increase abortions. Read more »
Sometimes abortion is the better choice. Should the U.S. government really be in the business of encouraging women to have babies? - By Frances Kissling, Aug. 03, 2009 | The Chinese coerce abortions, bulldozing houses when the family violates the one-child policy and arresting lawyers who defend women. The Romanians used to coerce pregnancy and ended up with lots of developmentally challenged children in orphanages. Iran has swung both ways, forbidding abortion when it needed soldiers and legalizing it when the economy got tough.
Lactating for Little Girls: A New Baby Doll Teaches Kids How to Breastfeed (!)- By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet - Creepiest thing ever. Read more »
Why Men Need to Get Over Their Femiphobia -- Fear and Disdain of the Female - By Michael Eric Dyson, Basic Books. Posted August 11, 2009 - From the book Can You Hear Me Now? by Michael Eric Dyson. The author argues in his book excerpt that a "great deal of the nation’s gender problem has to do with how men think about women."
When My Husband Became a Woman, I Realized I Was a Sexist -by Helen Boyd, On The Issues Magazine. Posted August 11, 2009. - When my husband transitioned, it made me face all of the terrible gender stereotypes I carry around. Read more»
HBO To Launch Show About Feminism? - By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet - HBO is slated to take on a half-hour comedy starring Diane Keaton as a feminist icon. Read more »
Porn for Women: Sex with Context (15 examples)
Are they "Hung"? /Male escorts on the truth -- and fiction -- behind the HBO show - By Tracy Clark-Flory, Aug. 08, 2009 | Ray Drecker is impotent in all the ways that Viagra can't help.
Sonali Kolhatkar on the Reality for Women and Children in Afghanistan - Published on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 by VcommunityTV - Sonali Kolhatkar, author of Bleeding Afghanistan, talks about the reality for women and children in Afghanistan, and about Meena, martyred founder of The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA).
Sarah Palin, meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. You two right-wing populists have a surprising amount in common - By Juan Cole, Aug. 03, 2009 | Is Sarah Palin America's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? The two differ in many key respects, of course, but it is remarkable how similar they are.
'I'm Pretty. You're Ugly. Buy This' -- Why Fashion Magazines Are on the Decline - By Vanessa Richmond, The Tyee - Fashion glossies are about making their readers feel bad. Are women tired of their prettier-than-thou bullying? Read more»
What's really in your shampoo - By Bill Bunn - Sure, a couple ingredients clean your hair. But the rest are a veritable toxic dump on your head .
Do Hate Crime Laws Do Any Good? - By Liliana Segura, AlterNet. Posted August 4, 2009 - There's no indication that getting hate crimes on the books actually prevents them.
A bipartisan group of senators introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act yesterday, which would "prohibit bias on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender identity." Lead sponsor Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) left open the possibility that the legislation "could be passed by year's end."
Why Are People So Afraid of Bisexuals?- By Adele M. Stan, AlterNet - As society's shape-shifters, bisexuals mess with everybody's idea of sexual orientation. Read more»
The Straight State: How Gays Became the "Anticitizen" - By Steven Epstein, The Nation - A new book show how government officials, courts and politicians have struggled to make sense of sexual nonconformity. Read more »
Explosive Allegations: Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder - By Jeremy Scahill, The Nation
Sworn statements filed in Federal Court also allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a "crusade" to eliminate Muslims and Islam. Read more »
In Afghanistan, Child Rapist Police Return Behind US, UK Troops - by Gareth Porter, Published on Thursday, July 30, 2009 by Inter Press Service - WASHINGTON - The strategy of the major U.S. and British military offensive in Afghanistan's Helmand province aimed at wresting it from the Taliban is based on bringing back Afghan army and police to maintain permanent control of the population, so the foreign forces can move on to another insurgent stronghold. But that strategy poses an acute problem:
Sodomized to Protect Our Freedoms - Would we really need debate on the torture question if we discussed the numerous acts of sodomy instead of the nuances of waterboarding?- By Allan Uthman, Buffalo Beast. Posted August 3, 2009.- - "Yasser tearfully described that when he reached the top of the steps 'the party began. … They started to put the [muzzle] of the rifle [and] the wood from the broom into [my anus]. They entered my privates from behind.' ... Yasser estimated that he was penetrated five or six times during this initial sodomy incident and saw blood 'all over my feet' through a small hole in the hood covering his eyes." – by Physicians for Human Rights' "Broken Laws, Broken Lives," a report containing firsthand accounts of men who endured torture by U.S. personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay.
U.S. to Reform Policy on Detention for Immigrants - By Nina Bernstein, August 6, 2009 - The Obama administration intends to announce an ambitious plan on Thursday to overhaul the much-criticized way the nation detains immigration violators, trying to transform it from a patchwork of jail and prison cells to what its new chief called a “truly civil detention system.”
Stop Retaliating Against Louisiana Detention Center Hunger-Strikers . The Center for Constitutional Rights is calling for an end to the practice. - Posted by Staff, Center for Constitutional Rights at 3:48 PM on August 1, 2009. - New York – The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), one of seven signatories to a letter sent yesterday to Janet Napolitano, Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, decrying conditions at a Louisiana immigration detention center, issued the following statement in response to continued retaliation against detainees there on hunger strike:
"We will not be brought to our knees". Manuel Zelaya, the ousted president of Honduras, discusses the coup that brought him down - Jens Glüsing - Editor's note: This interview originally appeared in Der Spiegel. Aug. 04, 2009 | Ousted President Manuel Zelaya, 56, discusses the coup in his native Honduras, the lack of intervention from Washington, his political ties to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his hopes to unseat the regime by peaceful means.
US Drops Call to Restore Ousted Honduran Leader - by Tyler Bridges, Published on Friday, August 7, 2009 by McClatchy Newspapers - TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - The Obama administration has backed away from its call to restore ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to power and instead put the onus on him for taking "provocative actions" that polarized his country and led to his overthrow on June 28.
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