How we can connect with feminism's global future - Naomi Wolf
How Religion's Demand for Obedience Keeps Us in the Dark Ages
Leader's Suicide Reveals Frightening, Violent, Organized Misogyny Movement - The suicide brought attention to an underworld of misogynists whose furies include the family court system, domestic violence laws and false rape accusations.
When Poverty Was White - In 1924 Virginia ordered Ms. Buck, 18 years old, unmarried and pregnant, to be forcibly sterilized. Her legal guardian appealed, and the case made it to the Supreme Court. The winning argument blamed her pregnancy on hereditary weaknesses — in particular, her presumed feeblemindedness.
Woman beaten in San Diego attack to be buried in Iraq - Iraqi-American Shaima Alawadi was found unconscious in her home with note next to her body that said 'go back to your country, you terrorist'
Turkish forces kill 15 Kurdish women fighters - Female unit of Kurd separatist movement PKK wiped out by Turkish army in Bitlis province, interior ministry says.
What made her go there? Samira Ibrahim and Egypt's virginity test trial - The court case was illustrative of patriarchal society, but the revolution against authoritarianism continues.
Afghan Women’s Activist Rangina Hamidi: Worsening Conditions Should Hasten U.S. Withdrawal - Amid U.S. vows to stay in Afghanistan until 2014, we speak with Afghan businesswoman Rangina Hamidi, who argues the U.S. presence there makes the security situation worse.
Paula Lerner Remembered: Emmy Award-Winning Photographer of Afghan Women - Afghan businesswoman Rangina Hamidi remembers the late award-winning photographer Paula Lerner, who has died of breast cancer at the age of 52. Lerner was the principal photographer for the Emmy Award-winning project, "Behind the Veil: An Intimate Journey into the Lives of Kandahar’s Women Featuring Photography." Watch/Listen/Read
Afghans failing to protect women - Nearly half of all women in Afghan prisons are being held for "moral crimes" such as running away from home or adultery, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.
Liberian Writer Mae Azango Forced Into Hiding for Story on Female Genital Cutting
Tiny little laws: A plague of sexual violence in Indian country - My second day on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in the Dakotas, an official from the Bureau of Indian Affairs sent a memo to all its law-enforcement employees forbidding them to talk to me.
Rape and Red Tape on the Reservation: Why Native American Women Are Fighting For Plan B
For attitudes towards rape to change, society needs to drop its sexual double standard
Idaho Senator's Horrifying Rant: Wants Rape Victims to Question If It Was "Truly Caused By A Rape"
Sex after sexual abuse - "Am I Normal?": She was assaulted in a past relationship. Now she wants to know how to find pleasure again
Politicians Swinging Stethoscopes By Gail Collins
Requiring Ultrasounds Before Abortion: One Mother’s Personal Tragedy- Carolyn Jones made the wrenching decision to end her pregnancy after learning that her unborn son had severe disabilities. Before she could get an abortion, the law required her to view her baby on ultrasound and hear detailed descriptions of his anatomy, an experience she calls “barbaric.”
Pro-Choice 'Doonesbury' Too Much for Many US Papers
“To ignore it,” Trudeau told The Washington Post, “would have been comedy malpractice.”
Tennessee Bill May Expose Identities of Women Seeking Abortions
Tennessee bill would force state to publicly name abortion doctors
Utah’s New Abortion Waiting Game - The state’s new mandatory 72-hour waiting period for an abortion is condescending, costly and just as insidious as other restrictions.
Oklahoma abortion law struck down - Policy would have required doctors to show women images taken from ultrasounds before having the procedure
There’s actually a lot of competition for “worst state” for women’s health
WAR ON WOMEN - Gender Discrimination: Women Pay Over $1 Billion More Than Men for Health Care
How the "Pro-Life" Movement Puts Women Behind Bars - In Alabama, the claim that eggs, embryos and fetuses have separate legal rights has led to the jailing of 60 women.
"Sex Strike" Planned, Starting April 28: "If Our Reproductive Choices Are Denied, So Are Yours"
Subject for Debate: Are Women People? - I’ve always assumed that women are fully autonomous human citizens—who vote, even!—but now I’m not so certain
3 Ways Women Workers are Fighting Discrimination, Wage Theft, and Abuse on the Job
Ina May Gaskin on Rising U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate, Midwifery and Home Births - As the controversy over women’s access to contraception continues, we look at women’s access to safe, affordable and comfortable birthing options. Pioneering midwife Ina May Gaskin is the founder and director of the Farm Midwifery Center in Tennessee.
The pope’s controversial visit - Benedict XVI bypasses Mexico City to go to an ultra-conservative town where women are imprisoned for abortions
Nobel Peace Prize winner won’t support decriminalizing ‘homosexual acts’ in Liberia - Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner, said she didn’t favor the decriminalization of “homosexual acts” in her country.
The New Legal Theory That Enables Homophobic Evangelizing in Public Schools
Open Thread: Does Feminism Really Need "the Next Gloria Steinem"?
Abu Ghraib’s grasp - 8 years later, abuse soldier Lynndie England tells of her anguish – but won’t apologize to ‘enemy’
In Aftermath of ICE Operation, Wyoming Woman Burns Herself and Her Daughter to Death - Friends say that after the ICE agents came, Delgado was terrified she would be separated from her daughter, and equally frightened she might be found by her abuser.
Feminists and Immigrants - Why don’t many women’s rights advocates see attacks on immigrants as part of their struggle?... “the ‘war on immigrants’ is not a parallel crisis–it is a direct affront to women’s fundamental human rights.”
Madre: Indigenous Woman Testifies Before Human Rights Committee on Guatemala Human Rights Record
Unotrhodox: US woman who rejected Hasidic life
The sexual politics of “The Hunger Games”
Pop art’s proto-feminists - A new exhibit explores the gender politics of the movement's often overlooked women artists
Soy mujer, razón suficiente para no votar por Vázquez Mota
Domitila Chungara: una voz del marxismo minero
Identifican a 33 muertas de Ciudad Juárez - Ciudad de México.- El Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense identificó los cuerpos de 33 víctimas de feminicidio localizados entre 1993 y 2005 en Chihuahua, con una técnica que no había sido utilizada: el cruce de información de cuerpos no identificados y denuncias de desaparecidas.
Las villanas favoritas- Víctor M. Quintana S.
Las mujeres y el narco - Entre una guerra delirante y la impunidad.
Más mujeres que hombres se oponen al aborto y piden penalizarlo
Analizará la SCJN caso de indígena acusada de adulterio y muerte de su bebé - Adriana Manzanares Cayetano, indígena nahua, fue sentenciada a 22 años de prisión, después de haber sido golpeada, insultada y acusada por una asamblea popular en la comunidad de Ayutla de Los Libres, Guerrero, debido a que, producto de una infidelidad, dio a luz a un bebé que murió al nacer.
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