México es el primer lugar en violencia sexual: ONU - Se calcula que en el país hay 120 mil violaciones al año, en promedio; cerca de 44% de mujeres ha sufrido agresiones de este tipo
La trata de personas lacera más que narco - Activistas de Ciudad Juárez denuncian que la prostitución forzada de menores es un delito en continuo aumento
El militar y sus esclavas – Lydia Cacho
Dos millones de mujeres son explotadas sexualmente al año: ONU - En un informe el organismo indicó que la violencia contra la mujer es 'omnipresente, extendida e inaceptable'
Béatrice vive por una Mirada - …Antes del genocidio Béatrice era maestra de primaria, y su esposo, funcionario del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales. Era un caso excepcional ya que pocos tutsis podían acceder a puestos de responsabilidad. Tenían dos hijos y radicaban en Nyamirambo, un barrio popular de Kigali.
Bellancille Bagirinka: Escapar a la muerte - NTARAMA, RUANDA.- Bellancille Bagirinka podría ser protagonista de una novela escrita a cuatro manos por Fiódor Dostoievski y Gabriel García Márquez. Empezaría a finales de los treinta en una de las mil colinas de Ruanda cerca de la ciudad de Butare, no muy lejos de la frontera con Burundi…
¿Cómo cambiar el mundo? – Esther Vivas
La prisión de Michelle Obama - Fascinó al mundo con su carisma, pero ocultaba una gran frustración por su difícil encaje en la Casa Blanca. Un retrato de la primera dama a través de más de 30 entrevistas a su círculo de amigos y colaboradores revela fuertes convicciones políticas, tensiones con los asesores de su marido y dudas.
MIGRACION: ¿Se reconfigura el patrón migratorio? - Ana María Aragonés
NUEVA: El articulo misógino del mes : Mujeres con más cadera son más inteligentes – Publimetro
(Si encuentras algo especialmente misógino en los medios, por favor envíanos la liga…gracias!)
Women in USA…
Graphic Anti-Choice Ads May Air During the Superbowl
Activist exploits election law to have pro-life ads shown during Super Bowl - Randall Terry plans to force television stations in dozens of cities to air graphic ads featuring aborted fetuses, protected under a federal law on election adverts.
24 States Enacted 92 Abortion Restrictions In 2011 - Lawmakers across the nation pursued a record number of reproductive health and rights-related provisions in 2011. Here's a rundown of the worst
The Susan B. Anthony List’s Situational Feminism- The organization’s model legislation makes clear it is more interested in ending abortion than helping women.
"Rape by the State"? Court: Texas Can Force Doctors to Deliver Intrusive Vaginal Ultrasound to Abortion Seekers
The Dumbest Things GOP Candidates Have Said About Sex - Why is the GOP field so obsessed with other people's sex lives?
Study: 1 in 5 U.S. Women Has Been Raped, Even More Have Been Abused
Sexual assaults rise at US military academies
The DSK Affair Unravels? - On May 14, 2011, the then-director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, had a six-minute encounter with a chambermaid at the Sofitel Hotel in midtown Manhattan. The brief interaction had momentous consequences.
School Suspends Mexican-American History Program To Comply With Arizona’s Ban On Ethnic Studies
As “Angry Black Woman,” Michelle Obama’s Image Comes Full-Circle
'Freedom's Sisters' Spotlights Women in Civil Rights
…and Around the World..
Child Labor, Torture and Rape: Attempts to Regulate the Brutal Diamond Industry Failing
Mexico's Anti-Abortion Backlash
Women World Leaders Share Lessons Learned as Council Marks 15th Year
Will Fawzia Koofi Be Afghanistan's First Female President?
Karzai orders probe in torture of 15-year-old Afghan girl
Israeli girl jeered on daily walk highlights rift - Naama Margolese is a ponytailed, bespectacled second-grader who is afraid of walking to her religious Jewish girls school for fear of ultra-Orthodox extremists who have spat on her and called her a whore for dressing "immodestly."
Mass March by Cairo Women in Protest Over Abuse by Soldiers -CAIRO — Thousands of woman marched through downtown Cairo on Tuesday evening to call for the end of military rule in an extraordinary expression of anger over images of soldiers beating, stripping and kicking a female demonstrator on the pavement of Tahrir Square.
Women protest in Cairo – in pictures
Egyptian court rules against virginity tests
Five protesters tell their stories - Protesters Dorli Rainey, Jonnie Marbles, Dan Mathews, Camila Vallejo and Sherab Tsedor talk about the day they stood out from the crowd
Israelis rally against gender segregation
Sacred women in Israel and Palestine
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani could be hanged in Iran - Judiciary officials exploring whether woman whose sentence to death by stoning was suspended can be hanged instead
Robert Fisk: The adventures of Tintin in Beirut - … One of the nine parliamentary members working on the new law says that, for Sunni Muslim clerics, "encouraging women to struggle against violence is to encourage them to abandon the conjugal home and thus break up the family". Yipes! The legal article on rape by a husband was also criticised because – in the words of the Lebanese MP – "Islam didn't recognise this form of aggression because it regards the man as responsible for his wife".
For Somali Women, Pain of Being a Spoil of War - The girl’s voice dropped to a hush as she remembered the bright, sunny afternoon when she stepped out of her hut and saw her best friend buried in the sand, up to her neck. Her friend had made the mistake of refusing to marry a Shabab commander. Now she was about to get her head bashed in, rock by rock.
Rapes on the Rise in Somalia
Are Breast Implants and Genital Mutilation the Same Thing?
Naked models offer a body image reality check - A plus-size campaign stumbles but makes a crucial point on our crazy beauty standards
What to Do About the Nanny? - Behind the female literati’s neglect of its working-class sisters.
Ker-pow! Women kick back against comic-book sexism
UK-made, female-driven anthology Bayou Arcana is causing a stir for more than just its haunting images and storylines
Shocker: Is Our World Becoming Less Violent? - Steven Pinker's new book, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
Grandma's Tattoos - A family story that reveals the fate of the Armenian women driven out of Ottoman Turkey during the First World War.
Wisconsin Rising: Grassroots Documentary Film Follows the People's Movement in Madison from Revolt to Recalls - Sam Mayfield is finishing a documentary on the fight for union rights in Wisconsin this past year, and she tells AlterNet her story
Brooklyn Photographer Takes Portraits Of The Occupy Wall Street Movement
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