
Visita: www.redsemlac.net y www.redsemlac-cuba.net
Chile: A cuatro años de la primera presidenta mujer
Tras cuatro años de gobierno, está próximo a terminar el mandato de Michelle Bachelet, primera mujer en alcanzar la presidencia en Chile y la cuarta de la saga del pacto de la Concertación en la historia de Chile. Sistemáticamente, las encuestas sobre su gestión e imagen muestran un amplio apoyo; sin embargo, ¿qué piensan al respecto las organizaciones feministas? ¿la presidencia de una mujer ha cambiado sustancialmente la vida de la mayoría de las mujeres en el país?
Guatemala: Norma Cruz: "Sólo falta crucificarnos en la plaza pública para que oigan nuestro clamor"
Mujer de Coraje. Una de las 100 personas del mundo que han marcado el 2009. Personaje del año en Guatemala. Norma Cruz, activista de los derechos de la mujer, ha recibido en el año recién concluido tres reconocimientos por demostrar que mantener intacta la integridad física y psicológica de las mujeres constituye su principal lucha.
Venezuela: Feminismo para jóvenes en televisión pública
Con un entorno en el cual la palabra feminista equivale a "marimacho" y una tradición televisiva basada en el estereotipo de la mujer de concurso de belleza, hacer un programa feminista en la televisión pública venezolana es todo un reto.
Colombia: Menos machos, más hombres
"En nuestra sociedad hay mucha violencia contra las mujeres y también desigualdad, por eso estamos trabajando para construir una región con equidad de género", afirmó a SEMlac Ricardo Villa, miembro del grupo de hombres del suroeste de la provincia colombiana de Antioquia. Se trata de una agrupación de varones que trabaja en 23 municipios de una región, donde tradicionalmente niños y niñas crecen escuchando que "los hombres en la cocina huelen a caca de gallina".
Cuba: Jóvenes y VIH/sida, cuestión de alianzas
Con cara de pocos amigos, el hombre se acercó a una joven promotora de salud que repartía materiales didácticos y le espetó: "a ti ni me acerco, porque me vas a contagiar el sida". La experiencia, ocurrida hace algo más de un año en la localidad de Ceballos, a pocos kilómetros de la cabecera de la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, en el centro de Cuba, confirmó a Aylín Sandoval algo que ya le habían adelantado algunos compañeros: queda mucho por hacer en materia de informar y prevenir el VIH/sida.
Perú: Exitosa estrategia de medicina complementaria
"Yo sufría de dolores de cabeza constantes, vivía angustiada... no sabía lo que me ocurría; había pasado por psicólogos, psiquiatras y tomaba un montón de pastillas. Que si la menopausia, o el estrés, ¿qué no me decían los doctores? Hasta que uno de los psiquiatras me recomendó venir aquí, comencé con las terapias y mire que bien estoy", dice a SEMlac María Domínguez. "Yo estaba harta de ir todos los meses al seguro para que me entregaran las pastillas, tenía que hacer largas colas, sacar cita... se lo comenté a mi doctor y me recomendó venir al programa. ¡Qué cambio en mi vida!
Reclaiming Legal Abortion as a Fundamental Right - By Frances Kissling, The Women's Media Center. - It's time to demand that the promise of Roe becomes a reality for women whose choices are already limited by poverty, joblessness and marginalization. Read more »
Catholic Hospitals Back Health Care - By Kathleen Reeves, RH Reality Check - Let's hope this helps provide political cover for anti-choice Democrats to support the bill. more »
10 Defining Feminist Moments of 2009 - By Mikki Halpin, AlterNet - A look back on the times in 2009 when feminists asserted ourselves and our belief in equality, often in the face of powerful opposition. more »
Women's rights still human rights - Tracy Clark-Flory - Jan. 08, 2010 | Maybe you're feeling apathetic toward the plight of the world's women, or perhaps you're suffering from an acute case of Feminist Outrage Fatigue™. Well, you will be slapped right out of that stupor by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech Friday commemorating the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). She dished out familiar rhetoric -- like her famous line, "women's rights are human rights" -- but also dropped some cold, hard facts on our privileged first-world asses. More.
Why Do Women Have to Go to Clinics for Abortions? - By Natasha Chart, Open Left - Why can't women just get abortions in hospitals or at the regular clinics they go to so whackjob protestors don't have such an easy target? more »
Neither Victims Nor Voiceless: Sex Workers Speaking for Themselves - By Audacia Ray, RH Reality Check - Painting a portrait of people in the sex industry as victims without voices only perpetuates their disempowerment. Read more »
Updated: Catholic Bishops Embrace Anti-Abortion Terrorizers Missy Smith and Randall Terry
By Adele M. Stan, AlterNet - After the murder of George Tiller, Missy Smith said it was time to 'get' another abortion provider. At a center led by Catholic bishops, she will make her case again. more »
Extremist Randall Terry Barred From JPIICC March for Life Activities; His Lieutenant Remains on Program - By Adele Stan, AlterNet = After AlterNet reported Randall Terry's plan to train activists at a center run by bishops, he was barred from participating. But Missy Smith is a go. more »
DUBAI: Jailed for being raped - Dubai tosses a British woman behind bars for "illicit sex" after she reports an assault - Tracy Clark-Flory, Jan. 08, 2010 | On New Year's Eve, a 23-year-old British woman on vacation in Dubai decided to let loose and party. She had plenty to celebrate -- not only was she ringing in 2010 at a spectacular luxury hotel with her fiance, but she also had their brand-new engagement to revel in. After one too many drinks, though, she ended up passing out in the women's bathroom of the Address Hotel. It's the sort of tale the couple might have gone on to laughingly recall -- except for what happened next: a male employee allegedly entered the restroom and raped her. The waking nightmare only got worse: More.
Europe's Roe v. Wade? - A case before the European Court of Human Rights rests on the question of whether reproductive rights should be universal.- Michelle Goldberg | December 11, 2009 | On Wednesday, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, began hearing a case that has the potential to be a kind of Roe v. Wade for Europe. Three Irish women who had to travel to England for abortions are challenging their government's abortion ban, saying the expense and hardship involved constitute a violation of their human rights. Precedent suggests that the court could agree. If it does, the repercussions will go far beyond reproductive rights, raising important questions about where in Europe national sovereignty ends and international guarantees of liberty begin. More.
Tea Party, Meet the Religious Right- The upcoming tea-party convention has attracted a large number of high-profile conservative Christians. Could an alliance be next?- Michelle Goldberg | January 13, 2010 | Next month's Tea Party National Convention has been making news for the fat fee Sarah Palin is commanding -- $100,000, according to many reports. But the gathering, to be held at Nashville's Opryland Hotel, is interesting for another reason as well: It marks the attempt of the old-school Christian right to take over the tea-party movement. Speakers joining Palin include Rick Scarborough, Roy Moore, and Joseph Farah, men who are radical even by religious-right standards. Their presence shows that the tea-party movement is no longer merely populist, libertarian, or anti-government, if it ever was. It is theocratic. Indeed, after several months in which the religious right seemed lost and dispirited, it has found a way to ride the tea-party express into renewed relevance...More
Religion and Women - By NIcholas D. Kristof- Religions derive their power and popularity in part from the ethical compass they offer. So why do so many faiths help perpetuate something that most of us regard as profoundly unethical: the oppression of women?
It is not that warlords in Congo cite Scripture to justify their mass rapes (although the last warlord I met there called himself a pastor and wore a button reading “rebels for Christ”). It’s not that brides are burned in India as part of a Hindu ritual. And there’s no verse in the Koran that instructs Afghan thugs to throw acid in the faces of girls who dare to go to school. More.
Evangelical Bigots Visited Uganda Last Month to Warn of "Gay Agenda" - By Melissa McEwan, Shakesville - Three American evangelicals affiliated with gay conversion groups spoke in Uganda last month on "the gay agenda" and its threat to the traditional African family. more »
NYT: Hate Begets Hate - Uganda’s government, which has a shameful record of discrimination against gay men and lesbians, is now considering legislation that would impose the death sentence for homosexual behavior. The United States and others need to make clear to the Ugandan government that such barbarism is intolerable and will make it an international pariah. More
Open Call response: I am a Man and I don’t apologize for it. - From The Wanderer's Blog - Normally I steer clear of anything more controversial than wearing socks with sandals (sometimes it makes practical sense, but not fashion sense). I have seen too many posts on either topic that emote the raw emotions that usually are more of a response to one’s own personal experience than it has to do with a larger issue of gender equality. Many may/will argue with me, but this topic is firmly rooted in the social sciences. One of the most enlightened educators (not that it matters in my view, but it was a he) I have ever had the blessings to learn from summed it up best, “Social sciences can tell you a lot about a group of people, but usually tell you nothing about an individual.” Each has had their own experiences and thus it shapes their views on the topic. More
Documents Reveal Earlier Immigrant Deaths - By Nina Bernstein- Over the last two years, the news media and Congress have brought attention to many deaths in the immigration detention system that appear to have involved substandard medical care or abuse. But a trove of documents obtained over recent months by The New York Times and the American Civil Liberties Union sheds light on even more fatalities.More.
New study shows legalizing undocumented immigrants would produce $1.5 trillion benefit: A new study by University of California at Los Angeles professor Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda for the Center for American Progress and the American Immigration Council suggests that comprehensive immigration reform, which includes an earned path to legalization for undocumented immigrants, could generate at least $1.5 trillion in added U.S. gross domestic product over ten years. The findings are based on a simulation model that uses the effects of legalization under the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) -- which granted legal status to 1.7 million undocumented immigrants -- to calculate the effects of possible legalization today. Hinojosa also predicted the effects of an enforcement-only strategy that several right-wing politicians and anti-immigrant activists are advocating for in the place of immigration reform. The professor found that while native-born workers would experience a wage increase, any mass deportation strategy would reduce U.S. GDP by $2.6 trillion over ten years. This number doesn't even take into account the additional $206 to $230 billion it would cost just to physically deport undocumented immigrants over a five-year period. Some Republicans are more focused on promoting an expansion of temporary immigrant worker programs and have already indicated they won't support an immigration reform bill that doesn't include such provisions. Hinojosa warns that if immigration reform were to consist of only a temporary worker program, GDP would only increase by $729 billion over 10 years and result in a wage decline for both native-born and temporary immigrant workers.
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