
HONDURAS: Washington y el golpe en Honduras – Por Ángel Guerra Cabrera para La Jornada, julio 15, 2009 - En Honduras se está decidiendo el destino político de América Latina pues si el golpe de Estado llegara a consolidarse, pronto volverían las dictaduras de seguridad nacional en muchos países, o cuando menos los gobiernos quedarían al arbitrio de los gorilas. Sobran por eso sectores económicos, políticos, militares y mediáticos imperialistas animados a fortalecer y extender el experimento hondureño ya que el nuevo rumbo independiente e integracionista tomado por numerosos gobiernos latinoamericanos y caribeños perjudica sus intereses. Más aún, ven como una grave amenaza los gobiernos constitucionales donde exista algún espacio político para opinar y organizarse en un momento que el ánimo levantisco de los pueblos está al alza.
MEXICO: Pide HRW que EU condicione recursos de la Iniciativa Mérida / El secretario ejecutivo del organismo envía una carta a Hillary Clinton – por Víctor Ballinas para La Jornada, julio 14, 2009 - La organización Human Rights Watch (HRW) solicitó este lunes a la secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton, que el gobierno de Estados Unidos no certifique que México ha cumplido con los requisitos en materia de derechos humanos establecidos en la Iniciativa Mérida, mientras los abusos cometidos por el Ejército Mexicano continúen siendo juzgados por tribunales militares y no por autoridades civiles. México no ha cumplido con su obligación de investigar y juzgar la creciente cantidad de abusos graves cometidos por las fuerzas castrenses, como violaciones sexuales, asesinatos, torturas, desapariciones y detenciones arbitrarias que quedan en la impunidad, señala.
Mediarán diputados para que el GDF dote de casas a sexoservidoras pobres / El requisito: que no las usen para ejercer su actividad, señala Nazario Norberto Sánchez – por Raúl Llanos Samaniego para La Jornada, julio 17 2009 - Para el presidente de la Comisión de Vivienda de la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal (ALDF), Nazario Norberto Sánchez, más de 80 por ciento de las sexoservidoras de esta capital carecen de un techo seguro, debido a que están ubicadas entre los sectores sociales de mayor rezago económico.
CHILE-BOLIVIA - Entrevista a Victoria Aldunate Morales / "Ser feminista es rebelarse a lo
establecido para ser feliz" - Por Carmen Julia F. Heredia Cavero. Para Puño y Letra - Victoria Aldunate, confiesa que se vino a vivir a nuestro país "por amor", por otro lado afirma que le interesa y admira el "proceso de cambio boliviano". Ella es integrante de una colectiva feminista autónoma de Chile llamada "Memoria Feminista", y actualmente forma parte de una propuesta teórica y activista definida como "feminismo comunitario", concebido y compuesto por Julieta Paredes y otras mujeres de Bolivia.
Uruguay : De vuelta a casa - Por Cristina Canoura - La crisis económica global y las restricciones de los países europeos al ingreso de inmigrantes provenientes del sur de América están logrando lo que, desde hace décadas, no sucedía en Uruguay: una reducción del flujo migratorio y el retorno al país de un número no cuantificado de ciudadanos y ciudadanas que intentaron una mejor vida allende los mares. A la decisión de retorno no es ajena la ilusión de que el crecimiento económico
Colombia: Retorno del exterior, una oportunidad para el país: Por Ángela Castellanos Aranguren - Vivimos una época en la que la población está en constante movimiento: no sólo hay inmigrantes y emigrantes, también están quienes retornan, aquellos que dejaron su país de origen y ahora regresan, como lo están haciendo algunos colombianos.
República Dominicana: La pobreza en la raíz de los males: Por Mirta Rodríguez Calderón - Para Gilka Meléndez, el hambre es la realidad que genera casi todos los otros males de este tiempo. Tres décadas dentro del sistema de Naciones Unidas y 12 representando al Fondo de Población en República Dominicana, la convierten en conocedora excepcional de problemas y logros del continente en su conjunto
México: La tendencia poblacional, jóvenes sin escuela ni trabajo: Por Sara Lovera - El reto más grande para el sistema de educación mexicano en los próximos años será atender a la juventud que actualmente ni estudia ni trabaja y es presa fácil del crimen organizado. Lo más grave es que la población entre 15 y 18 años crecerá en los próximos cuatro años a un ritmo anual de 2,7 por ciento y habrá 666.000 jóvenes demandado un lugar en el bachillerato.
Guatemala: Población joven, entre el olvido y la vulnerabilidad - Por Alba Trejo - Casarse antes de cumplir 18 años de edad, integrar las pandillas desde los 13, cursar hasta cuarto grado de primaria e, incluso, tener hijos desde iniciada la adolescencia, es parte de la vida de la mayor parte de la juventud en Guatemala, que supera los cuatro millones de los 14 millones habitantes de este país.
Cuba: Población en conteo regresivo - Por Dixie Edith - Cuando Cuba celebre la llegada de 2032, el total de su población habrá disminuido por debajo de los 11 millones, de acuerdo con las últimas proyecciones del Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo (CEPDE), de la Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE).
México: Doce estados legislan contra la interrupción del embarazo - Por Alicia Yolanda Reyes - Mientras que en la capital mexicana las mujeres tienen derecho al aborto seguro y gratuito hasta la doceava semana, en 12 de los 32 Estados de la República, los Congresos locales decidieron blindar las Constituciones para obligar al Estado a "proteger la vida desde la concepción y hasta la muerte natural".
Bolivia: La vasectomía apenas se abre paso - Por Helen Álvarez Virreira - ¿Te harías una vasectomía? La respuesta es una risa nerviosa y luego, más seriamente, Gabriel dice que no, aunque ya tiene dos hijos y dos hijas con tres parejas diferentes.
Y más en : www.redsemlac.net y www.redsemlac-cuba.net
HONDURAS: US Lobbyists with Clinton Ties Hired to Defend Honduran Coup Regime *Supporters of the coup in Honduras have begun hiring advisers and lobbyists with close ties to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an attempt to strengthen support in Washington for the coup. A Honduran business group has hired lobbyist Lanny Davis, who served as White House counsel for President Bill Clinton. The coup government has also hired Bennet Ratcliff, a public relations specialist with ties to former President Bill Clinton.Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/7/15/honduras
Washington behind the Honduras coup: Here is the evidence/ Repression intensifies - by Eva Golinger for Global Research, July 15, 2009 - The US Department of State had prior knowledge of the coup. The Department of State and the US Congress funded and advised the actors and organisations in Honduras that participated in the coup. The Pentagon trained, schooled, commanded, funded and armed the Honduran armed forces that perpetrated the coup and that continue to repress the people of Honduras by force.
July 15 repression against women’s march - Prepared by Jonathan Treat for Rights Action, July 15, 2009-
In Tegucigalpa, Honduras there is palpable tension after a yesterday’s demonstrations by thousands of pro-democracy/pro-President Zelaya protestors in front of the Honduran Women's Institute, and then in front of the National Congressional building.
At the protest in front of the women’s institute, local television station Channel 36 filmed one anti-riot police officer load what appeared to be a tear gas canister and point it at a woman at close range.
Why the Feminist Majority Foundation Supports Engagement in Afghanistan - By Eleanor Smeal and Helen Cho, AlterNet, Posted on July 17, 2009 - The following is a response to the AlterNet article by Sonali Kolhatkar and Mariam Rawi's about the Feminist Majority Foundation's position on the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan by the president and a board member of the organization.Afghanistan is in deplorable condition. There's no disputing that. Some feel that we should just walk away. We cannot endorse this position because the cost to women and girls would be too high, and the U.S. responsibility for the current failed state of affairs in Afghanistan is too heavy.
'The Killing of Women Is Like Killing a Bird Today in Afghanistan' / Stephen de Tarczynski interviews Afghan women’s rights activist MALALAI JOYA - by Stephen de Tarczynski, Published on Monday, July 13, 2009 by Inter Press Service - Melbourne, Australia - It is easy to understand why epithets such as brave and courageous often accompany the name of Malalai Joya. Slight of stature and serenely demure, the young Afghan woman's past and present encapsulate the plight of her countrywomen. She came to the world's attention in 2003 when, at a constitutional convention attended by Afghanistan's leaders, she publicly accused many of those present of being war criminals, drug lords and supporters of the Taliban.
Into the Inferno: Hollow Language and Hollow Democracies/ What can we do, now that democracy and the free market are one? - by Arundhati Roy, Published on July 16, 2009 by The New Statesman - While we’re still arguing about whether there’s life after death, can we add another question to the cart? Is there life after democracy? What sort of life will it be? By democracy I don’t mean democracy as an ideal or an aspiration. I mean the working model: western liberal democracy, and its variants, such as they are.
Pope tries to school Obama on abortion / The two meet for the first time in Vatican City and get straight to business - Tracy Clark-Flory for Salon.com, Jul. 10, 2009 | President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict met for the first time today and retreated for 40 minutes behind closed doors in the Vatican. Wasting little time with pleasantries about the weather or other benign topics, they got straight to business and talked about two matters they fundamentally disagree on: abortion and stem cell research. But, according to official reports from both sides, things were exceedingly diplomatic.
Arizona Governor Approves Abortion Constraints - by Paul Davenport, Published on July 14, 2009 by The Associated Press - Phoenix - Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday set a new course from her Democratic predecessor on the issue of abortion, signing a measure imposing new mandates and restrictions.
Women: The choosier sex? - by Tracy Clark-Flory for Salon.com, July 8, 2009 - You've likely encountered this question many a time before: When it comes to sex, why do men do the chasing while women do the choosing? Maybe the query was first answered by your mother: Men have to fight for women because it's the fairer sex that gets pregnant, gives birth and does all the work of raising the kids! Perhaps at some point you got the sober evo-psych explanation: Females are more selective because they bear the greater reproductive burden
Letter from a young feminist / Teen drops F-Bomb in brave new blog – by Lynn Harris for Salon.com, Jul. 15, 2009 | Old feminists like me can sleep a little better tonight. Confirmed: There are at least a few (really) young feminists -- active, mouthy, blogging young feminists --- who, it seems, will have our daughters' backs. Today's marquee example: Julie Zeilinger, 16, and her sharp, funny, insightful -- and brand-new -- blog/online teen feminist community, the F-Bomb.
The joy of sex -- for teens! / An educational pamphlet on sexual pleasure is sparking scandal in the U.K. - By Tracy Clark-Flory for Salon.com, Jul. 14, 2009 | If you think teaching teens about condoms gets conservatives riled up, just imagine the response to an attempt in the United Kingdom to tell youngsters that orgasms feel good. A National Health Service pamphlet titled "Pleasure," which encourages parents and educators to add a dose of honesty about carnal delights to traditional sex talks, has been met by finger-wagging moralists and accusations of child abuse. You know, par for the puritan course.
VIDEO: The dong show: Top 10 moments in male full-frontal / Ewan McGregor! Jason Segel! Vincent Gallo! The men who dared to put the penis in pop culture - By Sarah Hepola and Thomas Rogers for Salon.com, Jul. 09, 2009 | It's become a cliché for conservative critics to argue that our society is hypersexualized. From Miss USA's topless photo scandal to "True Blood's" steamy sex scenes, we certainly see plenty of naked people these days. But in popular culture, and movies in particular, there's been a rather conspicuous double standard. Sure, boobs and vaginas are great, but where, egalitarians might ask, are all the penises?
BOOKS: Pedophiles, Witches and Kids - Posted on Truthdig on Jul 16, 2009 by Lenore Skenazy- Sometimes, when I try to explain how frenzied we have become about the real but extremely rare crime of childhood abduction, I compare our era to that of 1692 Salem. There was no way—back then, back there—to convince the average person: Don’t you see you’re being swept up on a wave of mass hysteria? History will judge you as totally mad! (Though eventually, I suppose, that’ll be great for tourism.)
She Broke the G.O.P. and Now She Owns It - By Frank Rich for The New York Times, July 12, 2009- Sarah Palin and Al Sharpton don’t ordinarily have much in common, but they achieved a rare harmonic convergence at Michael Jackson’s memorial service. When Sharpton told the singer’s children it was their daddy’s adversaries, not their daddy, who were “strange,” he was channeling the pugnacious argument the Alaska governor had made the week before. There was nothing strange about her decision to quit in midterm, Palin told America. What’s strange — or “insane,” in her lingo — are the critics who dare question her erratic behavior on the national stage.
Palin’s Route to Resignation: Missteps and Ignored Advice -By JIM RUTENBERG and SERGE F. KOVALESKI for Ther New York Times, July 13, 2009 - ANCHORAGE — In late March, a senior official from the Republican Governors Association headed for Alaska on a secret mission. Sarah Palin was beset by such political and personal turmoil that some powerful supporters determined an intervention was needed to pull her governorship, and her national future, back from the brink.
FROM THE PROGRESS REPORT - Last week, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said she would be willing to campaign for conservative Democrats after she leaves office next month. But Politico reports that "she may not have many takers." "Interviews with a number of the most conservative Democrats in the House and Senate induced an awkward, stare-at-your-shoes unease when the prospect of appearing with Palin was posed," writes Jonathan Martin.
Palin is facing a new ethics complaint, "the 18th against her and the very thing that helped to prompt her resignation." The complaint says Palin abused her office by "accepting a salary and using state staff while campaigning outside Alaska for the vice presidency."
Palin's Attorney Treads on Thin Legal Ice – by Roger Shuler for Open Salon, July 16 2009 - An attorney for Sarah Palin has threatened to sue any news organization that reports the Alaska governor is stepping down because of a federal investigation. But attorney Thomas Van Flein might want to watch his step. If he files a defamation lawsuit that isn't based on fact or law, he could wind up bringing a lawsuit upon himself--and Palin.
The Words of God Do Not Justify Cruelty to Women / Discrimination and abuse wrongly backed by doctrine are damaging society, argues the former US president - by Jimmy Carter, Published on July 12, 2009 by The Sunday Observer/UK - "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status ..." (Article 2, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Former Insider Shatters Credibility of Military Commissions, Describes Brutal Treatment of Teenage Detainee - By Andy Worthington, AlterNet, Posted on July 13, 2009 - On Wednesday, I reported how Retired Rear Admiral John D. Hutson, the former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy from 1997 to 2000, had delivered compelling testimony to a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on “legal issues regarding military commissions and the trial of detainees for violations of the law of war,” explaining why the only valid forum for trials of suspected terrorists at Guantánamo Bay is the U.S. federal court system.
Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project - By Scott Shane for The New York Times, July 12, 2009- The Central Intelligence Agency withheld information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress for eight years on direct orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney, the agency’s director, Leon E. Panetta, has told the Senate and House intelligence committees, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said Saturday.
The new Report on illegal spying is not a real investigation - Glenn Greenwald for Salon.com, July 11, 2009 - The Bush-era torture regime might have been that administration's most flamboyant act of criminality, but its illegal NSA warrantless eavesdropping program (and other still-unknown surveillance programs) has always been the clearest. We had a law in place for 30 years that made it a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each offense to do exactly that which Bush got caught doing: eavesdropping on the communications of American citizens without warrants from the FISA court
Ex-Powell aide suggests CIA assassination program was actually active - By David Edwards, Raw Story, July 15, 2009 - The secret CIA program allegedly aimed at assassinating suspected terrorists abroad has raised the eyebrows of at least one former senior Bush Administration official who hints that the program may have actually gone into effect, despite the denials of the agency and congressional staff who have been briefed. The aide, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, was chief of staff to Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell. He says he heard “echoes” of the program from US ambassadors abroad, who informed him that clandestine military teams were being dispatched to their countries.
THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS SUED THE U.S GOVERNMENT YESTERDAY OVER THE FEDERAL DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT, a law that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, arguing that it "interferes with the right of Massachusetts to define and regulate marriage as it sees fit." Massachusetts was the first state to legalize marriage equality.
"THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH HAS MOVED DECISIVELY CLOSER TO FULL ACCEPTANCE OF GAY MEN AND LESBIANS." While one "key committee voted overwhelmingly Monday to start putting together blessings to be used in same-sex marriages," the House of Bishops "voted by a wide margin to allow gays and lesbians to become bishops." Both measures must now be approved by the church's General Convention.
IRAQ WAR VET CONGRESSMAN PUSHES FOR REPEAL OF 'DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL': During an appearance yesterday at the National Press Club with gay, lesbian, and straight service members,Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) called on his fellow members of Congress to support swift action on a repeal of the controversial 1993Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) policy, which bans openly gay individuals from serving in the armed forces. "We can not afford to wait any longer," said Murphy during his press conference. "Now is the time to change this, when our military is stretched so thin." Since President Obama took office on Jan. 20, the Pentagon to discharged 287 members of the armed forces because of their sexual orientation, according to the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.That number can be expected to rise because Congress is unlikely to move on a repeal of the law until "next year," according to Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), who spoke to House Democratic leaders about the issue last month. A recent Center for American Progress report by Lawrence Korb, Sean Duggan, and Laura Conley, outlined a five-step plan for ending DADT and recommended that Obama use his authority under the "stop loss" provision to halt the military from further discharging LGBT service members until the law can be changed legislatively. However, the Obama administration has repeatedly resisted pressure to use this authority. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has announced that the Defense Department plans to study more "humane" ways of enforcing the ban on openly gay soldiers.
Our Military: "Dont' Ask, Don't Tell" (Unless You're a White Supremacist) - Posted by Melissa McEwan, Shakesville on July 10, 2009 - July, 2006: "A decade after the Pentagon declared a zero-tolerance policy for racist hate groups, recruiting shortfalls caused by the war in Iraq have allowed 'large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists' to infiltrate the military, according to [The Southern Poverty Law Center]. … 'We've got Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad,' the group quoted a Defense Department investigator as saying in a report to be posted today on its Web site, www.splcenter.org. 'That's a problem.'"
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