México: Pobres, ignorantes y sin derechos - Gabriela Rodríguez - Tal vez nunca en mi vida había enfrentado circunstancias más sombrías en mi país. El Estado no solamente se distancia del pueblo, sino que habla en nombre de nosotros y, en vez de representarnos, pretende sustituirnos.
República Dominicana: El Parlamento se vistió de vergüenza
Mirta Rodríguez Calderón - Las mujeres que alberguen un embarazo inviable tendrán que morir. Esa ha sido la sentencia que la sociedad civil dominicana recibió la semana pasada por parte del conservadurismo decimonónico de un parlamento susceptible de ser coactado por la Iglesia católica.
Colombia: Poca ayuda oficial al desarrollo para la igualdad de género
Por Ángela Castellanos Aranguren - Pese a los esfuerzos realizados por el gobierno de Colombia, la igualdad de género ha sido escasamente abordada en la agenda de la Ayuda Oficial para el Desarrollo (AOD).
Bolivia: Prostitución sin proxenetas
Por Helen Álvarez Virreira - Grupos de hombres y también solitarios; jóvenes unos, mayores otros. Todos entraban y salían de un céntrico edificio en la ciudad de La Paz que alberga oficinas y tiendas de venta de ropa. En la calle, la febril actividad del comercio informal era constante, mientras el tráfico se abría paso entre la gente que también transitaba por la calzada.
Uruguay: Cuestionamiento a la ley de adopciones
Por Cristina Canoura - Una ley aprobada el pasado 9 de septiembre, que modifica las disposiciones relativas a la adopción contenidas en el Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia, fue transformada, sin que esa fuera la voluntad de su autora, en la norma que habilita a las parejas homosexuales a adoptar niños.
Guatemala: Más mujeres con cáncer uterino
Por Alba Trejo - Relaciones sexuales prematuras o promiscuas, escaso acceso a métodos anticonceptivos y de protección, pobreza o machismo son las causas por las cuales, a juicio de los expertos, la cantidad de mujeres con cáncer cérvico uterino ha desplazado a las que padecen cáncer de mama en Guatemala.
Comunicación: Imágenes desde otra mirada
Por Sara Más - Todo el espacio de la foto está ocupado por dos hileras de cazuelas vacías, unas dentro de otras. Apenas se aprecian las apuradas manos de mujer que las colocan sobre una mesa, ya limpias, luego de terminar de cocinar y fregar, mientras el título de la instantánea revela otros sentidos: "Escape".
Argentina: Inhumano desalojo de la comunidad nativa quilmes
Por Norma Loto - La historia se repite y, aunque pasaron cinco centurias, los atropellos a los pueblos nativos están a la orden del día. Esta vez es la comunidad originaria Quilmes, que reside en la provincia de Tucumán y que está soportando todos los traspiés de la injusticia: se los conmina a dejar sus tierras.
Perú: Protestas por veto de anuncios sobre diversidad sexual
Por Zoraida Portillo - Representantes de la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, trans y trabajadoras sexuales realizaron un plantón el viernes 18 frente a la sede central del ministerio de salud (MINSA), de esta capital, en protesta por el veto de este portafolio a los anuncios televisivos de la campaña "Perú: un país diverso".
Que despidan a Dobbs - 2009-09-16 - El Diario NY - Los latinos, inmigrantes y otros han soportado las mentiras odiosas de Lou Dobbs por mucho tiempo. Dobbs se ha pasado de la línea muchísimas veces usando la plataforma que le proporciona CNN cada noche. Ha desencadenado una reacción violenta que ha crecido en los Estados Unidos y en América Latina. Durante años, casi a diario Dobbs ha atacado sin tregua a los inmigrantes. Su desdén por los latinos y los inmigrantes es tan evidente como su desprecio por los hechos.
Medios: Dobbs y su grupo de odio - Karl Frisch | 2009-09-04 | La Opinión - A estas alturas, Lou Dobbs de CNN es muy conocido por su manejo inquietante, engañoso, frecuente e inexacto de noticias; además de su obsesión irracional contra los inmigrantes y su apoyo desmedido al loco movimiento "Birther". Sin embargo, su estrecha asociación con organizaciones que algunos expertos describen como "grupos de odio", es ignorada por muchos.
The Crusade Against Sex Trafficking - By Noy Thrupkaew, September 16, 2009 -
This article appeared in the October 5, 2009 edition of The Nation. This article is the first part of a two-part series. The next installment will explore alternative approaches to addressing the problem of trafficking for the purposes of forced prostitution. --The Editors- Gary Haugen is cradling the padlocks in his thick hands. A former high school football player--bristly crew cut, broad shoulders squeezed into a dress shirt--Haugen has more the mien of a military man than a lawyer, although his image is in keeping with the muscular work of the organization he founded and heads. The president of the International Justice Mission, an evangelical Christian organization devoted to combating human rights abuses in the developing world, Haugen is musing over the mementos of IJM's work in India and Cambodia.
Naomi Klein Interviews Michael Moore on the Perils of Capitalism - By Naomi Klein, The Nation
Moore discusses his new documentary film, widely praised as a call for a revolt against capitalist madness. more »
Naomi Klein on "Minority Death Match: Jews, Blacks and the 'Post-Racial' Presidency" - We speak with journalist Naomi Klein about her latest article for Harper's Magazine, "Minority Death Match: Jews, Blacks and the 'Post-Racial' Presidency." The piece examines the World Conference Against Racism that was held in Geneva this past April, a follow-up to the first racism conference in Durban, South Africa in 2001. Listen/Watch/Read
HEALTH CARE -- HEALTH INSURERS CONSIDER A CAESAREAN-SECTION PREGNANCY A PRE-EXISTING CONDITION: Yesterday, the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled "Between You and Your Doctor: the Bureaucracy of Private Health Insurance," where six health insurance executives faced questions about abuses in the private insurance industry, such as rescission. One of the executives who testified at the committee's hearing was Richard A. Collins, who is the Senior Vice President of Underwriting, Pricing, and Healthcare Economics for United Healthcare Group and is also the CEO of Golden Rule Insurance Company. One of the abuses that Golden Rule and other private health insurance companies have been involved in is their policy of considering a Caesarean-section pregnancy a "pre-existing condition" and a cause for denying coverage. In 2008, a Colorado woman who was insured by Golden Rule was shocked when she was denied coverage because of her C-section pregnancy. The New York Times reports, "She was turned down because she had given birth by Caesarean section. Having the operation once increases the odds that it will be performed again, and needed another Caesarean, Golden Rule did not want to pay for it. A letter from the company explained that if she had been sterilized after the Caesarean, or if she were over 40 and had given birth two or more years before applying, she might have qualified." With Caesarean-section births on the rise -- nearly 30 percent of American now women have the procedure -- the practice of health insurers using it as a pre-existing condition and reason to deny care is likely to be more destructive to womens' health than ever.A new study released by researchers at Harvard Medical School has calculated that 45,000 Americans a year die because they lack health insurance -- nearly one every twelve minutes. "We're losing more Americans every day because of inaction...drunk driving and homicide combined," said Dr. David Himmelstein, a co-author of the study.
As Baucus Unveils Health Plan Absent of Public Option, New Study Finds 45,000 Uninsured Die Every Year - Listen/Watch/Read
When Getting Beaten By Your Husband Is a Pre-Existing Condition - By Ryan Grim, Huffington Post
It turns out that in eight states, plus the District of Columbia, being the victim of domestic violence is considered a pre-existing condition by insurance companies. Read more »
Women Need Rights, Not Rescue - By Yifat Susskind, RH Reality Check - We can't just airdrop women's rights programs into embattled communities -- we must team up with all the women already helping themselves. more »
Michelle: Women "crushed" by healthcare
Anti-Choice Floridians Peddling Constitutional Amendment to Criminalize Birth Control Pill
By Liliana Segura, AlterNet - The "Personhood Amendment" would define someone as a "person," regardless of age or health status, "from the beginning of the biological development of that human being." more »
When Did Sex Become a Medical Problem? - By JoAnn Wypijewski, The Nation - Female sexual dysfunction was wholly created by drug companies hoping to make even bigger money off women than they have off men. more »
Unbelievable: As a Lesbian Mother, I Have to Pay More For Health Care - By Elizabeth G. Hines, Women's Media Center - Gays and lesbians remain separate and utterly unequal in the eyes of the law when it comes to obtaining health insurance for their families. more »
Racism in America Doesn't Stop with Glenn Beack and His Fans, It's in Our Health Care Debate, Too
By Allison Kilkenny, True/Slant - As much as white Americans hate to admit it, we are always talking about race, even when we're not poking fun at Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck more »
Blue Is the New Black - By Maureen Dowd, September 20, 2009, Washington- Women are getting unhappier, I told my friend Carl.
“How can you tell?” he deadpanned. “It’s always been whine-whine-whine.”
Why are we sadder? I persisted.
“Because you care,” he replied with a mock sneer. “You have feelings.”
Oh, that.
Porn, Glenn Beck and Nudie Pics: Is Our Mass Culture Turning Kids Into Sex Crazed, Right-Wing Automotons? - By Branwyn Lancourt, The Faster Times - Kids today are exposed to vast amounts of sleazy, pornified media at the same time they are hammered with silly puritanism. The future doesn't look good. more »
Our Thinness Obsessed Culture Is Destroying Women - By Johann Hari, Independent UK - One day, we will look back on a time when women aspired to be Belsen-thin with the incomprehension we feel for Chinese foot-binding. But how do we get there? Read more »
Recession Drives Women Back to the Work Force - By Steven Greenhouse - Many highly educated women who had left work to stay at home with their children are rejoining the labor pool.
Evangelicals Divorce More Often Than "Godless" Europeans? Exploring America's Strange Relationship With Marriage - By Amy DePaul, Bookslut - Why do Americans have such contradictory impulses when it comes to wedlock? more »
Conservatives Draw Blood From Acorn, Favored Foe - By Scott Shane, September 16, 2009 - Washington — For months during last year’s presidential race, conservatives sought to tar the Obama campaign with accusations of voter fraud and other transgressions by the national community organizing group Acorn, which had done some work for the campaign.
Anti-Choice Zealots' Latest Bizarre Ploy - By Amanda Marcotte, RH Reality Check - The one good thing about these extremists is that they help reveal the anti-woman, anti-sex agenda of the anti-choice movement. more »
"Indecent acts": African women fight to dress as they choose - This has been a bad summer for women in Africa – particularly for those who demand the right to dress the way they want. Back in July, journalist and UN employee Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein was arrested at a Khartoum cafe along with twelve other women and charged with wearing pants, a crime that the Sudanese penal code labels “public indecency.”
Indian Women Find New Peace in Rail Commute - By Jim Yardley, September 16, 2009 -Palwal, India — As the morning commuter train rattled down the track, Chinu Sharma, an office worker, enjoyed the absence of men. Some of them pinch and grope women on trains, or shout insults and catcalls, she said. Her friend Vandana Rohile agreed and widened her eyes in mock imitation.
Men Kidnapped and Forced Into Marriage - By Deepali Gaur Singh, RH Reality Check - In India, huge dowry demands have led families to use criminal gangs that kidnap men and force them into wedlock. The women in these unions fare even worse. more »
It takes girls to raise a village - It might seem a bad omen for the release of a report on the global importance of educating girls to coincide with reports of a bomb destroying a coed elementary school Tuesday in Afghanistan. But, while the news comes as a reminder of the extreme challenges facing girls' education worldwide, Plan International's report "Because I Am a Girl: The State of the World's Girls 2009" makes a strong case for why it's a fight worth fighting.
Is father-daughter incest always rape? - You've likely read the tabloid reports or watched the explosive footage on TV: On Wednesday, Oprah Winfrey aired an exclusive interview with Mackenzie Phillips in which the "One Day at a Time" star reveals that her father raped her.
Tracking Sex Offenders on Your Phone: Smart or Paranoid? - By Liliana Segura, AlterNet - A hot new iPhone App uses GPS technology to track registered sex offenders everywhere. Are they keeping you safe, or profiting off paranoia? more »
CODEPINK: G20 Plans are a Go! Women's Coalition Announces Tent City Project
Woman Tells Texas School Board She's a 56 Year-Old Virgin, but She's Off by a Day - By Joshua Holland, AlterNet - Uh-oh, that's awkward. more »
Sarah Palin made her Asian debut with a speech in Hong Kong, in which she spoke as "someone from Main Street U.S.A." At the event, which was closed to the press, Palin blamed government for the current financial crisis. "We got into this mess because of government interference in the first place," she said, adding, "We're not interested in government fixes, we're interested in freedom."
TV: The Real Cougar Fans -September 24, 2009 - It was hard for me at first to find words for why I hated — simply hated — “Cougar Town,” the new Courteney Cox vehicle that debuted Wednesday night on ABC.
Mike Rogers: The Man Who Outs Closeted Right-Wing Politicians - By Greta Christina, The Blowfish Blog - Mike Rogers talks about why it's important to report on the secret sex lives of gay conservatives who are in bed with anti-gay forces. more »
King: Same-sex marriage just a step toward socialism - Normally Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, opposes same-sex marriage simply because of his social conservative stance on things. That alone is enough for the congressman to take a particularly strong stance on the issue -- after his state's Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, he worried that Iowa would become "the gay marriage Mecca.
In New York City, Queer Homeless Youth Survive at the Bottom of the Barrel - By Jimmy Tobias, Indypendent - Across the country, thousands of kids are kicked out of their homes each year for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. I wanted to know who they were and how they survived. more »
How Islamist gangs use internet to track, torture and kill Iraqi gays - By Afif Sarhan and Jason Burke, The Observer, September 13, 2009 - Sitting on the floor, wearing traditional Islamic clothes and holding an old notebook, Abu Hamizi, 22, spends at least six hours a day searching internet chatrooms linked to gay websites. He is not looking for new friends, but for victims.
Unbelievable: As a Lesbian Mother, I Have to Pay More For Health Care - By Elizabeth G. Hines, Women's Media Center - Gays and lesbians remain separate and utterly unequal in the eyes of the law when it comes to obtaining health insurance for their families. more »
Limbaugh's Racist Shocker: "We Need Segregated Buses" - Raw Story - In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of his show, Rush Limbaugh said explicitly, Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated busing. more »
Racism in America Doesn't Stop with Glenn Beack and His Fans, It's in Our Health Care Debate, Too
By Allison Kilkenny, True/Slant - As much as white Americans hate to admit it, we are always talking about race, even when we're not poking fun at Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck more »
Carter: Animosity towards Obama based mostly on race
From The Progress Report: Census data released yesterday shows that the percentage of U.S. population "composed of immigrants dropped slightly in 2008, reversing a 40-year trend that helped fuel the nation's explosive growth and diversity." The drop in foreign born residents is more pronounced in areas that have been most effected by the recession.
Yesterday, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) held a town hall meeting to discuss the need for comprehensive immigration reform. He said he will co-sponsor the legislation that will be introduced this year. "This is not going to be easy. Its going to be very difficult," said Moran.
Latinos to CNN: Dump Lou Dobbs Now! - By Roberto Lovato, AlterNet - As studies document the link between anti-immigrant hate speech and violence against Latinos, Dobbs continues to fan the flames. more »
Dobbs Plays the Victim, as Movement Demanding CNN Dump Him Grows - By Roberto Lovato, AlterNet - Dobbs is waving the First Amendment flag to try and distract from his long history of anti-immigrant views. more »
Three Years Later, So-Called "Secure Border Initiative" Remains a Bad Idea, Poorly Executed - By Maurice Belanger, National Immigration Forum - Congress would rather leave the Border Patrol with the untenable task of enforcing broken laws, and then complain when deadlines aren't met or costs spiral out of control. more »
Discovery Channel's 'Gang Wars: Oakland' Series Spreads All the Wrong Messages About Poverty and Minorities - By Aimee Allison, AlterNet - The Discovery Channel's series spreads dangerous myths, focusing on the worst racial stereotypes and uses sensational police footage to depict crimes of poverty. more »
With Scuffles, French Police Dismantle Migrant Camp - By Nadim audi and Caroline Brothers, September 23, 2009 - Calais, France — French authorities dismantled and bulldozed a camp for undocumented migrants outside this English Channel port on Tuesday, rounding up almost 300 Afghans, Pakistanis and others who gathered there for years in the hope of making clandestine journeys across the 22 miles of water to Britain.
NYT Reports on Justice Dept. Charge That Blackwater Saw Killing Iraqis as "Payback for 9/11"
By Jeremy Scahill, Rebel Reports - When will a major paper report on the allegation that Erik Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe"? more »
David Cole on "The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable" - Legal scholar and attorney David Cole looks at the story behind the infamous Bush administration torture memos. Cole argues the memos show that the United States government's top attorneys were instrumental in rationalizing acts of torture and cruelty, employing chillingly twisted logic and Orwellian reasoning to authorize what the law absolutely forbids.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/9/15/david_cole_on_the_torture_memos
Is America hooked on war? - By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch, September 17, 2009 - “War is peace” was one of the memorable slogans on the facade of the Ministry of Truth, Minitrue in “Newspeak,” the language invented by George Orwell in 1948 for his dystopian novel 1984. Some 60 years later, a quarter-century after Orwell’s imagined future bit the [...]
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