Caster Semenya: la inquietante incertidumbre del sexo - Javier Flores - La deportista sudafricana Caster Semenya, está siendo sometida a un trato humillante. Su delito fue haber conquistado la medalla de oro en la final de los 800 metros planos en las recientes competencias mundiales realizadas en Berlín. Su apariencia física, juzgada por algunos como masculina, es la causa de que se ponga en duda, no solamente su logro más reciente en el atletismo, sino su identidad sexual… su propia vida.
México: En Europa y en México arrecian las críticas contra el candidato a procurador - Andrea Becerril y agencias - Bruselas, 10 de septiembre. El rechazo a la ratificación de Arturo Chávez Chávez como nuevo procurador general de la República se expresó también desde Europa. Hoy, el Grupo de los Verdes en el Parlamento Europeo pidió al Senado de México no ratificar al abogado en virtud de sus malos antecedentes en la investigación de los asesinatos de cientos de mujeres en Ciudad Juárez.
Denuncian ofensiva de grupos derechistas contra las garantías sexuales de las mujeres - José Antonio Román - En la celebración del primer aniversario del fallo de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) sobre la despenalización del aborto en la ciudad de México...
Aprueban ley antiaborto en Querétaro. Se está preparando una inicativa de reforma federal, advierte ONG - Querétaro, Qro., 1º de septiembre. Pese a que no estaba en el orden del día, la llamada ley antiaborto fue aprobada hoy por unanimidad. Muchos de los diputados locales tuvieron que ingresar y salir del salón de sesiones por una ventana, debido a una protesta de unas 50 mujeres que se opusieron a la iniciativa.
Chanchullo de nuevas diputadas con sus curules. Ocho piden licencia para que asuman suplentes varones - Los relevos, de cuatro partidos; los del verde, vinculados a televisoras . La solicitud provoca revuelo; se burla la equidad de género, acusan
Migración: Murieron 246 mexicanos en 7 meses al intentar cruzar a EU - Georgina Saldierna - En los primeros siete meses del año, 246 mexicanos fallecieron en su intento por cruzar la frontera con Estados Unidos sin documentos; la mayoría de los decesos ocurrieron en Arizona y la principal causa de muerte fue la deshidratación, informó la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE)
Runbo al sur, la ruta del trafico humano - por BBC MUNDO - Más de 30.000 africanos del centro y este del continente cruzan cada año la frontera europea de forma ilegal. Una cifra pequeña si se compara con los hasta 70.000 somalíes, etíopes o keniatas que anualmente cruzan sin papeles la frontera de Sudáfrica
Cultura: El almuerzo desnudo de Lydia Lunch – por Hermann Bellinghausen - La han llamado reina del punk, lo cual es bastante estúpido viniendo ella del territorio punk que cimbró los años 70 con el mismo desparpajo autodestructivo, nicotina, alcohol, cocaína y pastillas de cualquier epítome (figura que consiste, después de dichas muchas palabras, en repetir las primeras para mayor claridad, según la Real Academia) de la calaña Syd Vicious, pero salvada curiosamente por el sexo: ‘The more they kill, the more I fuck’.
Y muchas más notas en : www.redsemlac.net y www.redsemlac-cuba.net
UNEASY CONGO – a photograph essay
Chomsky: What America's 'Crisis' Means to the Rest of the World - By Noam Chomsky, Boston Review - The way we perceive "crises" here in the U.S. is a profound symbol of how we don't understand them internationally. more »
Diplomatic Ambush Threatens UN 'Super-Agency' for Women
Antiabortion activist slain - Sept. 11, 2009 - Flint News is reporting that a Michigan antiabortion protester was shot dead today in front of a high school. The 63-year-old man has been identified as James Pouillon, "a longtime abortion protester, known for his highly vocal and visible public demonstrations around the community and even outside the state."
Girls Gone Wild vs. Virgins Till Marriage: Why Is Sexual Life in America So Schizoid? - By Lara Riscol, McGraw-Hill. Posted September 3, 2009. - The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book, Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Human Sexuality, published by McGraw-Hill. - “You would watch the girls give each other oral sex, do themselves with dildos, place cigars in their vaginas and rectums, suck on each others’ breasts, and lick freshly poured beer off of one another’s vulvas while their legs were tucked behind their necks.” Often one fellow would get to have sex with one of the three performers directly before leering and cheering men.
The Revenge of Levi - By Gail Collins, September 3, 2009 - For the first time in my life, I feel sympathy for Sarah Palin. Levi Johnston — you will remember him from his featured role as the father of Bristol’s baby at the Republican convention — has written an article for the new issue of Vanity Fair. It’s his take on the Palin home life, which Johnston says was “much different from what many people expect of a normal family.”
Levi Johnston: "Me and Mrs. Palin" - by Vanity Fair, September 2, 2009 - - For “Me and Mrs. Palin,” Johnston tells Vanity Fair his story about life with the Palin family—with whom he lived for two months after the election—over the course of his two-and-a-half-year relationship with Bristol. He turns a number of commonly held beliefs about the former governor—the purportedly loving mother, devoted wife, and prolific hunter—upside down.
Levi Johnston Lashes Out at Sarah Palin -- Can You Blame Him? - By Sarah Seltzer, AlterNet
Levi Johnston was shoved in the public spotlight to burnish Sarah Palin's conservative cred during the election. Now he's striking back. more »
Is Levi Johnston's Vanity Fair Story a Sexist Rap on Sarah Palin? - By Adele Stan, AlterNet
At The Frisky, Jessica Wakeman cries foul. more »
The Wing-Nut Code: What Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Are Really Saying to Their Followers
By Adele M. Stan, AlterNet - You thought they were just unhinged. But here's what they're really saying to the armed and dangerous. more »
What Happened When I Legally Exposed My Breasts in Public - By Meghan Pleticha, Nerve.com
Posted on August 28, 2009 - Experiment: Under New York state law, all chests are created equal: both men and women can go topless in public, provided you expose your breasts in a manner "neither lewd nor intended to annoy or harass." On a hot summer day, would going topless in a public park prove empowering, or would I get burned?
The first husbands club - Sept. 1, 2009 - According to pop evolutionary theory, men can't help jumping from mate to mate and spouse to spouse. They've got to spread their seed, choosing only the most beautiful, fertile young ladies to bear their children. It's their biological duty! And that's why women should be neither shocked nor enraged when they sprout a few gray hairs and their husbands trade up for a newer model. That's just how nature works. Survival of the fittest and most promiscuous or whatever. Right?
Reclaiming the C word ... again - Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009 - I read Inga Muscio's book-length provocation "Cunt" my freshman year of college, on the advice of a male friend. A budding feminist, I was still in that heady, humorless phase of my awakening, when anyone who happened to use a word like "chick" in my presence could expect a lecture.
Do You Use the Dirty C*** Word? - By Vanessa Richmond, The Tyee, Posted on September 3, 2009 -The c-word is enjoying a rebirth. Doubly appropriate, given one of its main functions.
Soldier’s Service Leads to a Custody Battle at Home - By DAVID KOCIENIEWSKI, September 1, 2009 - TEANECK, N.J. — During the 10 months she was deployed in Iraq, Leydi Mendoza, a 22-year-old specialist in the New Jersey National Guard, did everything she could think of to ease her longing for the year-old daughter she had left back home.
Australia Explores New Roles for Female Soldiers - September 9, 2009, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - ADELAIDE, Australia (AP) -- Australia may allow female soldiers to serve in front-line combat roles under proposed equal-opportunity guidelines that stoked debate Wednesday on whether women can meet the physical demands.
Israeli Government Ads Warn Against Marrying Non-Jews - By Jonathan Cook, AlterNet - Israel has launched an advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews. more »
3 Americans Face Child-Sex Charges- Men Arrested in Cambodia Are the First Prosecuted Under Trafficking Initiative - By Ashley Surdin, Washington Post , Tuesday, September 1, 2009 - LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31 -- Three Americans accused of traveling to Cambodia to have sex with children are expected to be charged in federal court here, officials said Monday, marking the first prosecutions under a new international initiative intended to combat child-sex tourism.
Case Shows Limits of Sex Offender Alert Programs - By MONICA DAVEY, September 2, 2009 - In all 50 states, registries of sex offenders have grown sophisticated and accessible in recent years, a response to high-profile attacks on children. People can search their neighborhoods for former convicts on state-run Web sites, sign up for private services that alert them if an offender moves nearby, even download an iPhone application, “Offender Locator.”
Phillip Garrido, wolf at the door - Sept. 1, 2009 - The story of Phillip Garrido has grown steadily darker and more disturbing from the moment a young woman was identified last week as Jaycee Lee Dugard, snatched from a South Lake Tahoe street in 1991 when she was just 11 years old.
How Do We Pass Rational Sex-Offender Laws With Psychos Like Phillip Garrido on the Loose?
By Liliana Segura, AlterNet - With apparent psychos like Garrido wreaking havoc, it's hard for society to be reasonable about the thousands of people have been wrongly swept up by excessive sex offender laws. Read more »
A Fine but No Lash for Sudan Woman Who Wore Pants - By Jeffrey Gettleman, September 8, 2009 - NAIROBI, Kenya — A Sudanese court on Monday decided not to lash a woman for wearing trousers in public but convicted her of violating the country’s decency laws and fined her the equivalent of $200.
Many Women Stayed Away From the Polls In Afghanistan - KABUL, Aug. 30 -- Five years ago, with the country at peace, traditional taboos easing and Western donors pushing for women to participate in democracy, millions of Afghan women eagerly registered and then voted for a presidential candidate.
Burqa Furor Scrambles French Politics - By STEVEN ERLANGER, September 1, 2009 - PARIS — It is a measure of France’s confusion about Islam and its own Muslim citizens that in the political furor here over “banning the burqa,” as the argument goes, the garment at issue is not really the burqa at all, but the niqab.
Can a feminist hero do blackface? - Monday, Aug. 31, 2009 - Heroines don't come easy. An excellent article by Jody Rosen in this weekend's New York Times advances vaudeville star Sophie Tucker -- whose early recordings have just been re-released -- as an early herald of pop modernity and an example of startlingly contemporary, sexually confident feminism. It also points out troubling facets of her history. Can a woman who began her career in blackface be reclaimed?
FROM THE PROGRESS REPORT: Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell is in hot water over his 1989 graduate-school thesis, where he described working women as "detrimental" to the family, homosexuals as "fornicators," and decried the "purging" of religion from public schools. McDonnell told reporters yesterday that his views have changed since his time as a graduate student.
"Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party" - In a Democracy Now! exclusive, award-winning journalist Max Blumenthal joins us for the first extended interview about his debut book, Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party. The book traces the rise of the radical right in the US and how it used the concept of personal crisis to grow as a movement and eventually capture control of the GOP to transform it from the party of Dwight Eisenhower to the party of Sarah Palin.
Listen/Watch/Read: http://www.democracynow.org:80/2009/9/4/republican_gomorrah_inside_the_movement_that
Justice Dept. to Recharge Enforcement of Civil Rights - By CHARLIE SAVAGE, September 1, 2009 - WASHINGTON — Seven months after taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is reshaping the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division by pushing it back into some of the most important areas of American political life, including voting rights, housing, employment, bank lending practices and redistricting after the 2010 census.
Surge in Homeless Children Strains School Districts - By ERIK ECKHOLM, September 6, 2009 - ASHEVILLE, N.C. — In the small trailer her family rented over the summer, 9-year-old Charity Crowell picked out the green and purple outfit she would wear on the first day of school. She vowed to try harder and bring her grades back up from the C’s she got last spring — a dismal semester when her parents lost their jobs and car and the family was evicted and migrated through friends’ houses and a motel.
Back to School: Military Recruiters Increasingly Targeting High School Teens - As millions of students prepare for the start of another school year, we focus on an issue that concerns many parents: the increasing presence of military recruiters in the nation’s high schools and the military’s ability to gather information about students. We speak with journalist David Goodman about his Mother Jones article "A Few Good Kids?" and with the New York Civil Liberties Union's Ari Rosmarin, who works on the organization's Project on Military Recruitment and Students' Rights.
Montana Court to Rule on Assisted Suicide Case - By KIRK JOHNSON, September 1, 2009 - HELENA, Mont. — Robert Baxter was by all accounts a tough man. Even in the end, last year, as lymphocytic leukemia was killing him, Mr. Baxter, a 76-year-old retired truck driver from Billings, Mont., fought on. But by then he was struggling not for life, but for the right to die with help from his doctor.
Pastor Redoubles Efforts vs. Same-Sex Marriage - By Tim Craig, Washington Post, September 1, 2009 - Bishop Harry Jackson is refusing to relent in his campaign to stop same-sex marriage in the District, despite the drubbing he took before the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics this summer.
Aid Group: U.S. Troops Stormed Afghan Hospital, Tied Up Staff - By AlterNet Staff - A Swedish aid group accused American troops Monday of breaking down doors in a hospital in central Afghanistan to search for militants. more »
A Delta Manhunt, With Booze and Guns - by Ward Schaefer, Published on Thursday, September 3, 2009 by the Jackson Free Press (Miss.) - Federal authorities are investigating an Aug. 20 incident in which armed white citizens, using a military vehicle, helped search for an unarmed black burglary suspect in the Delta.
Blackwater tapped foreigners on secret CIA program - By Adam Goldman and Pamela Hess (AP) – WASHINGTON — When the CIA revived a plan to kill or capture terrorists in 2004, the agency turned to the well-connected security company then known as Blackwater USA.
Video : US Extends 'Blackwater' Contract
Report Details Misbehavior by Kabul Embassy Guards.Contractors Called 'Lewd and Deviant' - By Ann Scott Tyson - Washington Post , September 2, 2009 - Private security contractors who guard the U.S. Embassy in Kabul have engaged in lewd behavior and hazed subordinates, demoralizing the undermanned force and posing a "significant threat" to security at a time when the Taliban is intensifying attacks in the Afghan capital, according to an investigation released Tuesday by an independent watchdog group.
Animal House in Afghanistan - — By Daniel Schulman | Tue September 1, 2009 - UPDATE: Here are the jaw-dropping photos. NSFW.- Drunken brawls, prostitutes, hazing and humiliation, taking vodka shots out of buttcracks— no, the perpetrators of these Animal House-like antics aren't some depraved frat brothers. They are the private security contractors guarding the US
Seven Points About Dick Cheney and Torture - by Jeremy Scahill, , September 1, 2009 by Rebel Reports - First of all, Dick Cheney has all sorts of nerve purporting to speak in defense of the CIA. His administration outed a senior CIA operative, Valerie Plame, in retaliation for her husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, exercising his freedom of speech (because he exercised it to criticize the Bush administration's lie-filled, one-way propaganda train to the Iraq war).
Physicians for Human Rights: Doctors' Role in CIA Waterboarding "May Amount to Human Experimentation" - A new report by Physicians for Human Rights has found that physicians and psychologists played a greater role than previously known in designing, implementing and legitimizing the Bush administration's torture program. The recently declassified CIA Inspector General's report detailed how medical professionals collected data on the reaction of prisoners to interrogation methods in order to help the CIA assess and refine the use of waterboarding and other techniques. The group says this "may amount to human experimentation."
Eugene Robinson on the Doctors Behind the Torture - "From ‘Do No Harm’ to Torture" -- A new report by Physicians for Human Rights reaches a sickening but inescapable conclusion: “Health professionals played central roles in developing, implementing and providing justification for torture.”
Immigrant Finds Path Out of Maze of Detention - By Nina Bernstein, September 11, 2009 - Holding tight to her sister’s hand in the bustling streets of New York’s Chinatown last week, Xiu Ping Jiang looked a little dazed, like someone who has stepped from a dark, windowless place into a sunny afternoon.
6 Mass. Boys Accused of Beating Sleeping Immigrant - By The Associated Press, September 8, 2009 - BOSTON (AP) -- Six boys, ages 11 to 14, have been charged with severely beating a Guatemalan immigrant in an attack that civil rights groups are decrying as 'hateful.'
Old Immigrants, Invisible With ‘Nobody to Talk To’ - By Patricia Leigh Brown - August 31, 2009, FREMONT, Calif. — They gather five days a week at a mall called the Hub, sitting on concrete planters and sipping thermoses of chai. These elderly immigrants from India are members of an all-male group called The 100 Years Living Club.
Actually, Covering the Undocumented Would Be Cheaper - By Digby, Hullabaloo - The exclusion of undocumented immigrants from the plan will create a financial burden on the system anyway. more »
In Toronto, Directing Is Clearly Women’s Work - By Michael Cieplyl, September 11, 2009 - TORONTO - FROM the tattoo on Diablo Cody’s bicep to Lone Scherfig’s leopard-spot pumps, it was impossible not to notice: The 34th Toronto International Film Festival opened on Thursday with the women in charge.
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