Girl Soldiers -- The Cost of Survival in Northern Uganda
By Mindy Kay Bricker, for Women News Network, February 12, 2009
* One young women shares her story of being abducted by a rebel group that trained children to torture, kill and steal.
Uganda -- It had been 11 years since my feet had touched the dusty rust-colored soil of Uganda. My first visit had been particularly remarkable as it had been the first time the long, black barrel of a gun had been pointed within centimeters of my face. More...
In Quest for Equal Rights, Muslim Women’s Meeting Turns to Islam’s Tenets
By Sabrina Tavernise, for the New York Times. February 16, 2009
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — The religious order banning women from dressing like tomboys was bad enough. But the fatwa by this country’s leading clerics against yoga was the last straw. More...
Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence
By Kathryn Joyce, Religion Dispatches. February 2, 2009.
Escaping an abusive marriage is no easy task for many evangelical women, many of whom have pastors that say physical abuse is no reason for divorce. More
Starting at Home, Iran’s Women Fight for Rights.
By Nazila Fathi, for The New York Times, February 12, 2009
Tehran — In a year of marriage, Razieh Qassemi, 19, says she was beaten repeatedly by her husband and his father. Her husband, she says, is addicted to methamphetamine and has threatened to marry another woman to “torture” her.
Rather than endure the abuse, Ms. Qassemi took a step that might never have occurred to an earlier generation of Iranian women: she filed for divorce. More...
Suicide Bomber Kills 35 in an Attack on Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq
By Marc Santora, for the New York Times. February 13, 2009
Baghdad — A suicide bomber hiding explosives under her garments killed 35 Shiite pilgrims south of Baghdad on Friday who were walking in an annual procession to the holy city of Karbala that has often been a target of extremists. Many of the dead were women and children. More...
"Maze of Injustice: The Failure to Protect Indigenous Women from Sexual Violence in the USA"
A Summary of Amnesty International's Findings
* Native American and Alaska Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the United States in general. A complex maze of tribal, state and federal jurisdictions allows perpetrators to rape with impunity and in some cases even encourages assaults.
Sexual violence against Indigenous women in the USA is widespread -- and especially brutal. According to US government statistics, Native American and Alaska Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the USA. Some Indigenous women interviewed by Amnesty International said they didn’t know anyone in their community who had not experienced sexual violence. Though rape is always an act of violence, there is evidence that Indigenous women are more like than other women to suffer additional violence at the hands of their attackers. According to the US Department of Justice, in at least 86 per cent of the reported cases of rape or sexual assault against American Indian and Alaska Native women, survivors report that the perpetrators are non-Native men. More...
'Constance': Rap video about victims of sex trade
I dunno if it's been posted before, but even if it has, it should be posted again so new members to the site can see it. I was amazed by this video featured on Feminist.com by rapper Mr. J. Medeiros about the reality of pornography and the sex trade. Thought-provoking. Go to video...
Argentina: Abuelas confirmó la recuperación de otra hija de desaparecidos.
El Juzgado Federal 1 de San Isidro, a cargo de Sandra Arroyo Salgado, confirmó ayer la recuperación de otra nieta de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, hija de Beatriz Recchia y Domingo García, desaparecidos en 1977. Durante la conferencia de prensa ofrecida esta tarde en la sede de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, Juliana García Recchia afirmó que su hermana "nació hoy cuando supo quiénes eran sus padres, fue un embarazo de 32 años y fuimos varios los parteros". Màs...
-Guatemala: Primera condena basada en Ley contra el feminicidio
-República Dominicana: Perverso récord de 18 feminicidios en enero
-México: Violencia institucional hacia las mujeres
-Cuba: Nace una herramienta contra la violencia
-Perú: El amor no mata, el machismo si
Visita también: www.alianzaportusderechos.org
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