First Females Islamic Judges Inaugurated in Palestine
by kawther.salam , Feb 18th, 2009
For the first time in the history of Palestine, two women were appointed as judges to the Islamic Sharia court in the West Bank cities of Hebron and Ramallah. President Mahmoud Abbas accepted the appointment of the two female judges among 11 judges appointed to the Sharia Courts in the West Bank, after each woman successfully passed two competitive judicial exams held in Ramallah...more
To Gaza, With Love.
by Medea Benjamin, Published on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 by CommonDreams.org
When I traveled to Gaza last week, everywhere I went, a photo haunted me. I saw it in a brochure called "Gaza will not die" that Hamas gives out to visitors at the border crossing. A poster-sized version was posted outside a makeshift memorial at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. And now that I am back home, the image comes to me when I look at children playing in the park, when I glance at the school across the street, when I go to sleep at night.
It is a photo of a young Palestinian girl who is literally buried alive in the rubble from a bomb blast, with just her head protruding from the ruins. Her eyes are closed, her mouth partially open, as if she were in a deep sleep. Dried blood covers her lips, her cheeks, her hair. Someone with a glove is reaching down to touch her forehead, showing one final gesture of kindness in the midst of such inhumanity...more..
A wake-up call for the community
by Wajahat Ali for The Guardian
The murder of a Pakistani-American woman forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the prevalence of domestic violence The brutal beheading of Aasiya Hassan, a Muslim Pakistani-American mother of four, will finally force a community to confront and remedy the overwhelming – but frequently ignored and intentionally hidden – demon of domestic violence that has persecuted its silenced women for far too long.
The entire world reacted with shock and outrage as Muzzammil Hassan, a Pakistani-American businessman and co-founder of Bridges TV, was arrested for the gruesome murder of his estranged wife. Aasiya Hassan, an architect and MBA student, had recently filed for divorce and received a restraining order against Muzzammil as of 6 February 2009...more...
Vatican Says: “Men and Women Sin in Different Ways”
Posted by: Cara in Gender, Religion for Feministe.org
A new report out of the Vatican states that men and women sin differently. And how might the Catholic Church’s notions of what count as sins get divided up among gender lines? Well seeing their other views on gender roles, the answer should surprise none of us.
A Catholic survey found that the most common sin for women was pride, while for men, the urge for food was only surpassed by the urge for sex...more..
Report: family planning funding saves billions of dollars and lowers abortion rate: Nearly two million unintended pregnancies and 800,000 abortions have been prevented -- and billions of dollars have been saved -- through increased federal funding for family planning, according to a new study from the Guttmacher Institute. Using statistical projections, the report determines that the abortion rate would be two-thirds higher overall, and twice as high among poor women, without the current family planning funding allotted under Title X. Adam Sonfield, a Guttmacher policy expert said,"Family planning should be noncontroversial. In this economic climate, it's so important in terms of ability to get an education, to stay in the work force." The Guttmacher Institute, which is "generally respected even by experts and activists who don't share its advocacy of abortion rights," determines that for every tax dollar spent on family planning funding, the average taxpayer saves $4. Last month, House Democrats lost a battle to include increased family planning funds in the recovery bill. Undeterred, they are working with President Obama on "broader legislation...to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies," likely by increasing Title X funding. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), who is leading the charge to expand Title X, calls this reportevidence that family planning funding can "not only save taxpayers money, but also promote public health."
International Women’s Day: What Are You Doing?
Posted by: Cara in Feministe.com
It may seem a bit early to talk about International Women’s Day, which is March 8th, but what time is better than when you still have time to plan?
Women For Women International is planning on using the day to bring attention to the global food crisis, how it is affecting women and families, and what women are doing about it. They’re hosting a conference call on March 5th, and also have information on their website about how you can get involved by holding your own event or house party to raise awareness.
You can also click here to find events already planned, from all over the world.
Are you doing anything special for International Women’s Day? Have an event going on? Know of an organization that is doing something cool, or holding a fundraiser? Leave all of that information in the comments!
Of course we have a headache.
by Lynn Harris, for Salon.com, Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2009
Now that woman can drink ventis with impunity, maybe we'll no longer be "too tired" for sex. But otherwise, most discussions of much-studied low female sex drive -- and prescriptions for revving it up -- lack a look at the big picture, argues Amanda Marcotte in today's (AlterNe via RHRealityCheck). Hormones, toddlers, fatigue, fate: not that they don't play a role. But we do not live in a vacuum. (Or to vacuum; we'll get to that.) What's missing from these conversations, according to Marcotte? The role sexism plays in turning us off. In other words: It's not you, it's the patriarchy... more
Bristol Palin stammers the truth.
by Rebecca Traister, for Salon.com, Feb. 18, 2009
The Van Susteren interview provided a new chapter in this jumbled saga of gender, reproductive and class politics, kicked off when a craven and desperate John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate in August 2008. Palin's acceptance of the nomination meant the prompt exposure of her then-17-year-old unmarried daughter's reproductive life to the world...more
Abortion Legislation Update
by Taylor Wiles for Mother Jones, February 20, 2009
Yesterday two measures included in the slew of bills across the country that would require women to view an ultrasound before having an abortion were shot down in a Virginia Senate committee. One measure would have required women to look at an image of the fetus on the day of the abortion; the other would have forced doctors to offer to anesthetize the fetus.
In related abortion news, the North Dakota House gave fertilized human eggs the legal rights of human beings. The bill now goes to the Senate for review...more...
Liberals Fight Gun Control To Win Abortion Rights
by Stephanie Mencimer February 24, 2009 for Mother Jones
Last year, liberals in DC were furious with the US Supreme Court for striking down the city's strict gun-control law. In DC v Heller, the high court found that individuals have the right to bear arms, and not just within the 2nd Amendment's famous "well-armed militia." Since then, gun-rights groups have used that decision to challenge gun-control statutes all across the country. Strangely enough, the National Rifle Association is getting some help in at least one of those case from liberal Yale law profs and other activists normally on the other side of such fights. Why?..more...
This Week's Woman We Love to Hate
by Katha Pollitt on, for The Nation, Feb. 15 2009
ust in time for the Big Recession comes Nadya Suleman, the unemployed single mom with six kids under the age of seven plus a complete set of octuplets and no more sense than a goldfish. Must there always be an woman whose out-of-control female body gives us something to gawk at? Step aside, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Sarah Palin (remember all that ridiculous conspiracy theorizing about her baby really being Bristol's?), Jessica Simpson's weight and the endless procession of celebrity baby bumps. Photos of Suleman's naked grotesquely distended pregnant belly rule the internet, along with much speculation about her resemblance to Angelina Jolie (plastic surgery?), her finances (unclear), the father (mysterious) and the fertility doctor who violated professional guidelines by implanting so many embryos in her (time to regulate!)...more...
Reversing Bush position, U.S. now supports U.N. measure condemning discrimination based on sexual orientation.
From The Progress Report, Feb. 18 2009
In December, the United States joined China, Russia, the Vatican, and members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in refusing to support an unprecedented U.N. declaration calling for a worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality. While the declaration "to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests, or detention" was signed by 66 countries, the Bush administration "couched its objection to the measure in legal technicalities." At the time, human rights advocates slammed Bush for "trying to come up with Christmas presents for the religious right so it will be remembered." But yesterday, continuing the Obama administration's rejection of Bush-era policies and attitudes, the U.S. offered support for a proposal to condemn "all forms of discrimination and all other human rights violations based on sexual orientation" at the U.N.'s "Durban Review Conference" on racism and xenophobia in Geneva. While the measure failed because of resistance from non-western countries, U.N. Dispatch's Mark Leon Goldberg noted that "it's relieving to see that the United States is now back on the side of the enlightened on this issue of basic human rights."
Susan Sarandon Encourages Civil Disobedience For Capitol Climate Action
In a new video, actress/activist Susan Sarandon is asking the American public to help stop global warming by participating in Capitol Climate Action — the country’s largest show of civil disobedience about global warming in history. ..more and video...
Venezuela : Avec le processus, vers une avancée de la condition féminine.
par Johanna Lévy par Volataire Net. org
«Avec la participation des femmes, la révolution avance » peut-on lire sur une banderole de plusieurs mètres étendus sur les grilles de l’Assemblée Nationale. Ce mercredi matin 20 juillet, au cœur de Caracas, près d’une centaine de militantes et militants favorables à une réforme du Code Pénal pénalisant l’avortement se sont rassemblés dans l’espoir d’obtenir une réponse positive quant à la possibilité d’un prochain vote sur la proposition de loi que ces derniers ont proposé en décembre dernier au Législateur...plus..
Lutte contre l’apartheid et la guerre: des stars de Hollywood boycottent Zara
par VolataireNet. org
Des stars de Hollywood (dont Salma Hayek, Sharon Stone, Whitney Houston, Halle Berry, Drew Barrymore, Brooke Shields, Andie Macdowell et Lucy Liu) ont exigé le retrait immédiat de leurs photographies sur les sites internet de Lev Leviev (marques: Zara, Bershka, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Stradivarius, Oysho, Kiddy’s Class - Skhuaban, Zara Home, Uterqüe).
Déjà l’ONG britannique Oxfam depuis janvier 2008 et l’UNICEF depuis juin 2008 ont coupé tout lien avec le célèbre milliardaire (210e fortune du monde) et refusé tout don de sa part, compte tenu de l’origine criminelle de sa fortune et des projets illégaux qu’il finance..plus..
Elena Simón: "Las mujeres en la cultura son todavía el segundo sexo, lo raro y exótico".
Escuchar a Elena Simón, una de las mayores especialistas en género de la actualidad, es un placer difícil de cuantificar. No sólo por la sabiduría que transmite a través de las palabras, sino también por el entusiasmo que despierta con su amplio conocimiento y experiencia en el campo del feminismo. En su último libro, Hijas de la igualdad, herederas de la injusticia (Nancea, 2008), la autora invita a reflexionar sobre el concepto de igualdad, ...más..
MÉXICO: Violencia institucional hacia las mujeres: La abogada Ángela García Reyes está convencida de que en México, especialmente en el Estado de Jalisco, existe una violencia institucional contra las mujeres. Ha sido testigo de cómo las autoridades responsables de impartir justicia ignoran las denuncias y terminan por desechar los casos o, peor aún, acusándolas a ellas.
CUBA: Nace una herramienta contra la violencia : La construcción de un instrumento para la identificación de la violencia contra las mujeres en Cuba podrá ayudar, sobre todo a los profesionales de la salud, a reconocer este tipo de manifestaciones y brindar mejor atención a las víctimas.
Y más en:
Wal-Mart viola los derechos laborales de miles de trabajadoras: Wal-Mart de México, la tienda "de los precios bajos", viola los derechos laborales de miles de trabajadoras, quienes trabajan jornadas que superan los horarios establecidos por la norma laboral mexicana, en condiciones de estrés por el mal trato de sus jefes, carecen de servicio médico y perciben salarios bajos, señala un estudio de la asociación civil Proyecto de Derechos Económicos.
El peso de la ley / Perverso récord de feminicidios /
Buscando soluciones a la crisis / El amor no mata
Visita también: www.alianzaportusderechos.org
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