UN Women justice report: get the data
A grotesque symbol of starving Africa - Desperate women bind their stomachs to deaden hunger pains, eating next to nothing so children can be fed. .. Cases of rape and other violent attacks against women have doubled among refugees fleeing conflict and hunger in East Africa, according to member agencies of the Disasters Emergency Committee. . By David Randall and Nada Issa
NEW GUTTMACHER VIDEO: ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES - Myths and facts presented out of context are all too common in the U.S. abortion debate. Misinformation extends to even the most basic questions: Who are the women who obtain abortions? Why do they decide to end a pregnancy? What are their life circumstances? The Guttmacher Institute has long worked to ensure that the debate around abortion is based on sound evidence and placed in the proper context of closely related issues like unintended pregnancy, contraceptive use and sex education. We are pleased to announce a new tool that is designed to do just that, as we launch our first motion graphic—a short animated video that summarizes key facts about abortion in the United States.
Watch the video “Abortion in the United States”
Increasing Numbers of Women Face Jail Time for Wanting an Abortion -For decades now, feminists have warned about a post-Roe v. Wade world in which women are locked up for having abortions. By Michelle Goldberg / The Nation
The Right-Wing War On Women’s Rights - …According to the Guttmacher Institute, states enacted a record number of anti-abortion laws in the first six months of 2011 alone. The 80 abortion restrictions passed this year are more than double the previous record of 34 in 2005 — and more than triple the 23 enacted in 2010.
Michele Bachmann's Holy War- The Tea Party contender may seem like a goofball, but be warned: Her presidential campaign is no laughing matter –By Matt Taibbi
How Women Won the KBR Rape Case - Whatever the outcome of the Jamie Leigh Jones trial, victims of assault may now get their days in court. By Pema Levy
The Dark Shadow of Sexual Abuse: Did Casey Anthony Get Away With Murder? - The case against Anthony seemed solid until the defense painted her as a victim. By Kristen Gwynne
The Women's Movement in the Middle East - Posted by Juan Cole and Shahin Cole
The argument for sexual exclusivity - An evolutionary biologist explains why monogamy -- or at least the appearance of it -- really matters - By Tracy Clark-Flory
Are Hanna and her violent sisters doing it for themselves? - Do kick-ass young heroines empower women or are they just sustaining a masculine idea of what feminism is?
El cuerpo de las mujeres, botín de la narcoguerra-A la agresión sexual se une la saña, la inquina contra el origen, el desprecio y el odio al género. Por Sanjuana Martínez
Ciudad Juárez: todo es orfandad. - …Son las niñas-viudas del sexenio de la violencia, y la entidad es la primera en el país en destinar recursos para atender a los huérfanos de la guerra contra el narco. Por Marcela Turati
Nace Red Mesoamericana Mujer, Salud y Migración - Las organizaciones Formación y Capacitación A.C (Foca) y Salud Integral para la Mujer (Sipam) presentaron la Red Mesoamericana Mujer, Salud y Migración, integrada por 40 organizaciones civiles de México, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras y Costa Rica. - De CIMAC Noticias
Embarazo precoz y violencia causan deserción escolar- 12:29 Son los principales motivos por los que los alumnos de Michoacán abandonan sus estudios. Comunidades indígenas, las más afectadas
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